Summary 17

Outside, Aria and Shimen fight against Corruption while burning their 10 spirit rings, however, they are surpassed by Corruption. Thanks to his mecha, he is able to exert the power of a true god while Aria and Shimen are only able to exert the power of the weakest god and it would only be for a short time. That they were able to fight against him so much time was only due to their great technique and cooperation and that Corruption was not completely used to use the mecha.

In the end, they use their 10th with a finishing attack but even this one is broken by Corruption whose sword slashes to Aria. Shimen jumps in front of Aria and his heart is pierced, protecting her.

Before Aria's shock of Shimen jumping in front of her and her showing feelings breaking her cold face, Shimen states that he is glad for all the time that they passed together and that he loved her, that she had always been the love of his life.

Aria starts crying, calling him silly for not having said it before. As he starts dying, Shimen explains that he had listened that Aria wanted someone strong, for this he had tried at every Sword Douluo to win over her and confess his feelings, but in the end, he was unable to win any festival. The light in his eyes starts fading as a warm smile appears over his face, saying that at least he protected her, being at least one time stronger.

Keeping Shimen in her arms, Aria declares that she had also always loved him and blames their own pride that avoids them to declare before. She closes Shimen's eyes and turns towards Corruption full of anger shouting that she will bring him down.

Aria turns one last time to Shimen and warmly smile at him, stating that they will be reunited shortly. Aria uses her own forbidden technique, using her sword(Red Mecha) as catalyst, she starts burning every of her spirit rings, her own and Shimen's bodies, overexerting the sword and exploding as Corruption was about to finish her, engulfing everyone into an incredibly powerful explosion that surpassed a God Killer's power.

Inside the headquarters, Skyfrost surpasses the own sword comprehension of his uncle, completely destroying the ice blue mecha. Then, in combination with Xinglan they finish everyone of the other mechas with a fusion of their Sword Hearts.

The battle of the 3 Heavenly Kings and Shrek Devils finish with the Shrek Devils win {I didn't really think about who will be the Heavenly Kings, thinking of using the ones that would appear in the canon that I didn't read, so no much of thinking about the fight}.

Over Yehui's room, Yehui and Xueqin exchange a few hits, both showing their incredible strength and sword comprehension. At that moment, Yehui tries to make a deal with Xueqin. She tries to stop him from fighting, adding her seductive powers in the persuassion. That evil Yehui had all the memories of Yehui and she didn't want to kill Xueqin as it will affect her. On the other hand, she was staying with the Holy Church as a thanks for letting the devil part out of Yehui and she doesn't really have anything special with them, not minding to abandon the Holy Church and let it be destroyed.

Xueqin shut her up, shouting that how she dares to use Yehui's body. Seeing that she has no way to convince Xueqin, she decided to fight seriously, showing all her strength and overwhelming Xueqin by the sheer power of her darkness.

Xueqin doesn't think about for even a second as he unleashes his Ultimate Seraphim and becoming a near god existence, overpowering her darkness and purifying it.

Yehui's body trembles under Xueqin's holiness, knowing that she doesn't have any way to win in a direct fight against him using his Seraphim and sword. Yehui tries to threatening Xueqin with hurting her own body, but Xueqin doesn't let her. Xueqin disarms her and activates the Holy Halo over Yehui, trying to purify the devil spirit.

However, even the Holy Halo is not enough. Due to her nature and spirit, Yehui had always walked a path very near darkness, not that she is completely swallowed by it, Xueqin's divine artifact wasn't enough to take her out as the power of a god was used to corrupt her.

Yehui starts contorting under the holy light, her devil and natural part fighting against each other for supremacy as darkness is shot everywhere.

Xueqin steps forward, receiving every of her attacks, not minding being injured. He finally reaches her and huggs her, his wings embracing her as he gives a kiss, declaring his love.

At that moment, the Holy light becomes even stronger, fed by Xueqin's strong emotions. Yehui stops still, the normal Yehui becoming stronger and her Myriad Colored Metal evolves, reaching 100.000 years old.

Having so strong spirits and of such opposite nature, Yehui had a lot more complications cultivating the Myriad Colored Metal than Weilan, but she finally achieved. With the evolution, her both spirits fuse and also due to the influence of Xueqin, it evolves becoming a 12 winged fallen angel, incredibly similar to Xueqin's own Seraphim.

The Devil inside Yehui feels overwhelmed by the new power and Yehui's determination and end it being swallowed in it, completely disappearing and Yehui returning to her true self under the warm gaze of Xueqin. Leaning over him and kissing him.

Over the throne room, Gu Yue and Wulin fights against Yu Bibi. Fighting together, their bloodlines are excited, letting both of them use all the power of the Golden and Silver Dragon, obtaining the power of a god. However, even with it, they are but they are unable to face Bibi. Bibi easily plays with them while laughing at their weakness and their incapacity to stop the end that she will bring to the world.

Gu Yue and Wulin knowing that they had no way to win like this, embrace each other, kissing warmly as their bodies starts shining. They make a spirit fusion becoming the true Dragon God. With it, their power surpasses even Yu Bibi, but they are unable to beat her.

Unlike, Gu Yue and Wulin, Bibi is in her normal state, being able to use spirit rings and without consuming so much spirit energy so she uses tricks to waste time, keeping them at a distance until their spirit fusion finish.

The Dragon God fusion turns worried, knowing that even if they are stronger is not by much and they don't have the time to it. But at that moment, two figures enter flying into the room with a golden and black trail behind them. They are Xueqin and Yehui coming to help.

Seeing the two new people entering the battle, Bibi is not worried. She grins saying that another one is also coming.

Just as she said it, the wall of the room is broken and enters Corruption with his golden black mecha from it. His mecha is damaged in some parts due to having received Aria's auto-destruction. If it weren't for his instinct to run away, he would have died there, if only he had acted a thousandth part of a second later, he wouldn't be here.

With another god powerhouse from the Holy Church side, the battle turns difficult for Xueqin's group.

Corruption, full of anger of being forced to flee, attacks Xueqin and Yehui wanting to kill everyone. Xueqin and Yehui fuse together, becoming a Nephalim and fight back at Corruption while wielding two swords of Darkness and Holyness.

Corruption is pushed over Bibi's side who call him worthless that even with her creation, he was only able to this little.

The Nephalim join forces with the Dragon God both unleashing their strongest attack towards Bibi and Corruption.

Bibi pushes in front of her the golden black mecha that is completely destroyed and pierce through it even greatly injuring Bibi.

Bibi tries to escape, darkness forming around her, but is suddenly extinguished under the Nephalim control over darkness, the Nepahim thrusting his sword, piercing Bibi's Dragon Heart.

The Dragon of the End falls to the ground defeated, energy leaving from her as she is dying.

Both spirit fusions finish, Gu Yue, Wulin, Yehui and Xueqin appearing again. Xueqin turns towards Gu Yue with a sharp gaze, but he says that she forgives her for this time. They turn towards the dying Bibi and they ask about Wuhua's whereabouts.

Even in her last moments, Yu Bibi laughs at them. She tells them that they will know about Wuhua very early. She tells that even if she might die now, her plans will continue even without her, that the world is approaching its end. Then she dies, her body turning black and purple particles and disappearing.

The group can't be happy with that victory, even if they had won, they had a lot of losses and they don't know about Wuhua. At least, they were able to save Yehui.

They join the others, finding that everyone had won their battles and the death of some people from the Federation and Dawn Church and the sacrifice of Aria and Shimen, but they had accomplished their mission, the Holy Church had been eradicated.

Just as they are about to leave, there's a little earthquake followed by a plant sprouting near them. The plant grows becoming a big and beautiful Red and Violet Rose that opens its petals revealing Wuhua in it.

This shocks everyone, Wulin asks about what happened with her, but she doesn't answer. She stays few seconds with her eyes unfocused until it starts talking to no one in particular.

Wuhua calls herself Mei Ji, the queen of the Star Duo Forest. She tells how she blames the humans for all the destruction that they had provoked and their weakness and incapacity to do nothing once the Divine Realm was gone. She explains that humanity had taken her decision of peace as their own right, not respect it. She will show them the true power of the spirit beasts and will attack humanity with all her and the spirit beasts' strength. She says that they will attack in two weeks, letting them to think about and swallow in their own sins before she disappears under the ground, exactly like she appeared.

Xueqin's group will discover that this wasn't a message only for them, it was a message for all the humanity, the same scene of Wuhua appearing having happened over every city and town. The war against the spirit beasts was approaching.