Chick Fights, Bar Fights, and Jedi Knights

The air was heavy in the dimly lit room. Myra's legs were already falling asleep, sitting with her legs crossed was finally getting to her. In front of her was Master Yoda... floating. She was low-key impressed though she would never admit it to him.

"So how does this work? I talk first? You talk first? Is this like a therapy session?" she began to ask.

"Impatient you are, young one." replied Yoda.

"Yeah, well, patience isn't a virtue of mine."

"Master Chikara. Uneasy he makes you, does he not?"

"That's an understatement." she mocked.

"Speak your mind." ordered Yoda, but gently he wasn't harsh about it.

"Oh you don't want me to speak my mind." she warned. She gave him a worrying smile and he simply gestured for her to go on. Myra scoffed and her smile faded.

"I don't want to be his padawan. He's a pervert, a drunk, an idiot. I-I-I can't even..." she struggled to finish.

"Hmm. Much to learn from him there is."

"All I've learned so far is how to make a hangover cure and vomit stains don't clean easy. What else is there to learn?"

"Your Master," Yoda began, "a broken man he is." he said with some regret in his voice.

"If he is he sure as hell doesn't show it."

"Master Chikara--"

"Clearly doesn't want to be my Master. Can't you just give me back to Luminara? Maybe you? Hell I'd even take Windu."

"Why do you not like him?"

"I just told you why."

"There is more." he said suggestively. Myra hesitated.

"Why do you let him stay in the Order? Even that other guy, Gloin. If the Order is as strict as they say, then why do people like them get to stay? I saw, with my own eyes, how Chikara used the Force to his liking. And Gloin? He treats his rank as a Jedi Knight as a joke." she vociferated.

"You do not care for the Order, do you not?"

"Well no, but--"

"Then why does it vex you so? The way they are should be of no concern if you do not care."

"Are you assuming I care about being a Jedi?"

"Said it you did, not me."

Myra cracked a smile and shook her head.

"No. No. Look, I don't want to go to jail, which is why I agreed to this in the first place. But a deadbeat Jedi? Really? I thought you wanted me to join again, but instead you gave me more reason to try and run away again."

"Blind you are. Both of you."

"To what? Is there any--"

"The events of yesterday."

"I already explained it to Windu last night." she scoffed.

"Elaborate. Please."

"After our... introduction. He made me make a hangover cure for Gloin. After that the asshole--"

"Language please." Yoda cut her off.

"The GUY" she corrected herself, "used me as his personal maid for the entire day."

"After that?"

"Then..." Myra looked at the ground and moved her tongue constantly around her mouth. "...we went clubbing."


"All right baby! Here we go!" Chikara exclaimed excitedly, like a child on his way to an amusement park.

The night sky loomed over their heads with only the lights from the buildings all around lighting their way. Myra was supposed to be in the Jedi Temple, but Chikara had other plans. The Jedi Masters were probably thinking she made a run for it. If only they knew what was actually going on.

"Is this a habit of his?" Myra directed her question to Ilmig.

"More or less." he replied.

Neither of them had bothered to change out of their Jedi robes, the same robes they had both been wearing when she met them. If anyone got close enough they'd be able to smell Chikara's house on them. She prayed silently that other Jedi would come and take her back to the Temple. Not because she wanted to be there but it was better than being stuck with these two. To Myra it was like choosing the lesser of two evils.

"I'm supposed to be in the Jedi Temple, you know that right?"

"Windu's words were more of a uh... suggestion than an actual order. Tonight we get groovy baby!"

"What the hell is 'groovy'?" she asked with cringe in her voice.

"Don't ask me, he says it all the time I'm just here for the ride." said Ilmig.

"Does that ride include me on my way back to the Temple?"

As they reached their destination they cut in front of a long line waiting to enter the club. Myra glanced at the sign. "AfterShock" it said in bright neon lights, and in Basic. It was rare seeing anyone still using Basic on a business.

Once they reached the entrance, Chikara came to an abrupt stop. Myra looked over his shoulder and saw that it was a bouncer. A Trandoshan, standing almost as tall as Ilmig. It's reptile-like body standing out compared to the rest of the crowd. It snarled, no, it spoke in Huttese. Chikara turned around with a mischievous look on his face as if he were saying "check this out".

"You will let us in." he said suggestively, waving his hand in front of the Trandoshan. It spoke in Huttese again, still denying them entry.

"You will let us in." he repeated. Again the Trandoshan denied them entry.

Chikara turned around with a nervous smile this time.

"Well maybe he's not of a weak mind." he said, "But where the Force doesn't work..." he turned around and placed something on the bouncer's hand. The Trandoshan looked around him, making sure no one saw what he was doing and he let them pass. Chikara, with a devious smile once again, turned around.

"...credits do just as well." he finally finished his sentence.

"Let's get this party started!" he yelled as they entered.


"And that's just the beginning of my hellish night."

"Reports of a Mandalorian on the scene there are." said Yoda.

"Oh. Her." Myra smacked her lips as soon as she remembered.

"Old acquaintance of yours?"

"Of sorts. Did they manage to catch her?"

"Long gone she was. Her name, what is it?"

"Sariel. Sariel Balalaika."

"History you have with her, do you not?"

"She's... an old friend." Myra said with doubt and Yoda gave her a suspicious look.


"So this is how it's going to go." Chikara started to explain. It was hard to hear him because of the loud music, even yelling was barely audible.

"You are going to be my 'wingman'."

"Your what?"

"Come on love. Wingman! Walk up to a lady and tell her all about me. And then we shag."

"I thought attachments were forbidden?"

"Doesn't say anything about one night stands." he forcefully turned her around and pushed her towards the bar at the center of the club.

The music was reverberating, shaking her body to the core. If someone for some reason were to be distracted they'd easily confuse it for a quake.

Once she reached the bar she ended up next to a Cerean. Her forehead bigger than anything she had ever heard of. Myra knew Cereans had big foreheads, but those stories didn't mention how big.

The female Cerean had short red hair, just barely reaching her neck. She wore some sort of blue jumpsuit with a holster on her left leg, but no weapon.

"Hey." Myra greeted. The Cerean looked in her direction.

"See that guy over there?" she pointed behind her. The Cerean looked behind Myra and nodded.

"He's the scum of Coruscant. Save yourself."

The Cerean merely gave her a confused look and walked away. Myra spotted Chikara dancing around the Cerean as she walked by and she brushed him off. Chikara, confused, looked at the Cerean and then at Myra.

"What did you bloody tell her?" he asked as he reached the bar.

"Everything I know about you."

"Well she just walked past me like I was infected with something."

"And rightfully so."

"All right then. I don't need your help. I'll get my own honeys."

"You do you chief." Myra was left alone at the bar.

"Cardassian ale, please." she told the bartender, a four-armed creature that was making several drinks at once.

"Of all the clubs in all the galaxy in all the planet, I catch you drinking your life away in this one." said a female voice behind her. A familiar voice, one she hadn't heard in years.

"It's an ale, might as well be drinking water." Myra turned around and leaned on the bar. "Long time no see, Sariel."

The young woman in front of her smiled. Her curly blonde hair tied up in a bun, her skin as pale as the moon. Her figure, a total mystery, it was hidden under her beskar steel armor. If she kept quiet and wore her helmet anyone would confuse her for a male.

"I thought Mandos weren't allowed to take off their helmet." said Myra.

Sariel cocked her head, still smiling, and slapped Myra clear across the face.

"I deserved that." Myra rubbed where Sariel had just slapped her, the injury slowly starting to burn a little. Before she could recover, Sariel slapped her again, this time on the other cheek.

"I deserved that too."

Just when Sariel was preparing to slap her again, Myra put her arms in front of her and began to plead.

"Heyheyheyheyheyheyhey. Stop it. My face can only handle so much."

"You owe me, R'tas." she stated.

"Hey. You backed out on that deal. I DIDN'T. It's not my fault you regretted it."

"Oh really? Need I remind you WHY I turned it down? Huh?!"

Myra couldn't look her in the eye. She looked elsewhere, avoiding her gaze.

"Listen, I--"

"They kicked me out of the creed because of you!"

"Why would they--"

"Because you made me look like a dumbass Myra!"

"It was just--"

"Just what?! Just--"

"Are you gonna let me finish a damn sentence or am I just supposed to listen?"

Sariel inhaled deeply, calming herself down. She closed her eyes and opened them when she regained her composure.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" someone started to yell out.

Myra looked around and found that it was Chikara, pumping his fist in the air as he chanted. She looked down in disappointment and rubbed her forehead, his semantics were going to give her a massive migraine. It was not long after that the entire club started to chant along with him.

"Who's that asshole?" asked Sariel.

"My Master." Myra said, hiding behind her own voice.

"You're a Jedi again?"

"It's a long story."

"Hey. Hey!" Chikara got in between the two of them, making Myra think he was actually going to stop everything.

"Do me a favor; lose the fight. There's a lot of money on you. I'm gonna bet on the chick here. As the young people say, 'we gonna be bathing in riches'." he sneered.

"No one says that. No one has ever said that." Myra tried to correct him.

"What'd I miss?" Ilmig suddenly appeared, slightly frightening Myra.

"Good. You're here. This guy wants her and I to duke it out. For credits." she explained.

"Really?" he looked over at Chikara. "And you were gonna leave me out of it? What about a 2v1? Me versus them?"

"This just got worse." Myra complained.

"You're a Jedi it wouldn't be fair." said Chikara, not helping the situation at all.

"Since when have you been his padawan?" asked Sariel.

"Since a couple of hours ago."

"Okay then, we've come to an agreement. You two will fight and the winner fights Ilmig. We good?"

"May the Force forgive me, for I am about to choke a bitch." she prayed loudly.


"And then what?" asked Yoda.

"I... may or may not have attacked Chikara. Ilmig got in on it. Sariel too. During the scuffle we accidentally hit a few other people, they got mad, then the entire bar broke into a fight. After a while Windu and a few other Jedi showed up. He said they were looking for me but then they heard the commotion. And now I'm here." she gave an abridged explanation.

Yoda was unimpressed. He rubbed his chin, deep in thought. Myra contemplated the possibility of the Council backing out on their deal and send her back to prison instead. Whatever the outcome, there's no way she wouldn't at least try to fight her way out.

"This Mandalorian, Sariel. Do you know her place of hiding?"

"No, I don't. She just kind of showed up and started a fight with me and disappeared just as quickly."

"Return to your Master's home, child. Wait there you will."

"After everything I just told you--" Yoda held his hand up, silencing her.

Myra sighed and stood up. She gave him a quick bow and left the room. When she came out, she was greeted by the sun's bright light. Being in the darkness for so long made it so that her eyes hurt until they could adjust.

"Look who's finally out of the shadows." said Chikara as he approached her. He came in with that devious smile of his. The left side of his face had a big bruise, just under his eye. The exact spot Myra had managed to land a blow on. Then he used the Force to push her back. After that she hadn't been able to land a single blow on him.

"What did the green man say? Was there anything about me? Are we getting arrested?" he barraged her with questions.

Myra ignored all of them. She walked in his direction and purposefully bumped into him.

"I'll see you at home." she said coldly without even bothering to turn around.


"Oof. That friend of yours. She can really throw a punch." said Ilmig, clearly praising Sariel's ability, there was no anger behind his words. He held a piece of ice on his forehead, where Sariel had slammed a chair when they were fighting.

"Does it count as a punch when she used the environment?"

"Her hands make fists, she used said hands to grab a chair, and broke said chair on my noggin. In a sense, it was a punch."

"The logic behind that is astounding." she said sarcastically.

Ilmig hadn't been questioned like she was or like Chikara was. When she came to Chikara's house Ilmig was already there treating his injuries. He had been the one to open the door for her, if he hadn't she'd probably still be outside waiting.

The door suddenly opened and Myra nearly jumped. It was Chikara. She was scared it might've been authorities that were there to take her in. Chikara looked unusual, more than he normally was at least. He had a depressed look on his face. His eyes slowly drifted towards Myra.

"Ilmig." he called out. "I'm calling in that favor."

"And?" asked Ilmig.

"Attack her." he ordered.

"Woah, hey. Let's not get hasty. I know you don't want her as an apprentice, but--"

"He's right, if you don't want me just talk it over with the Council. Besides even if you're a Jedi you can't get away with murder that easily." she cut in.

"Don't kill her, just attack her." he ordered, not taking his eyes away from her for a second. "Pull that bloody thing out and attack her!"

Ilmig was hesitant. He groaned heavily until he gave in. He leaned behind the couch and pulled out an axe. It was a two-handed weapon, extending about as long as both his arms. It was completely made out of metal. But unlike a regular axe, there was nothing in between the toe and the heel of the axe, it was an empty space. Ilmig suddenly flipped a switch and turned it on. The once empty space now had a blue blade and where the knob would usually be there was an additional blade instead. It was a pretty abnormal weapon for a Jedi, to say the least. It was his lightsaber, or axe more accurately.

"Hey, what the hell man?!" Myra exclaimed. Just then, Chikara tossed something at her. Myra caught it and inspected it; a lightsaber, a normal one.

"Go for it." ordered Chikara.

Myra panicked as Ilmig approached her. She struggled to find the button to turn the lightsaber on. Once she did she turned it on revealing a green saber, only to realize she had it backwkards. Ilmig gave her no time to fix it. He started hacking at her with his weapon, every blow forcing her to back away. Every time he struck it sent her arm to the ground and her saber constantly damaged the floor. It left streaks all over the ground, she apologized to whoever lived in the bottom home.

Ilmig stood over her and prepared to take another swing. Myra seized the opportunity to have at it only to be pushed back suddenly. Chikara. He Force pushed her into the wall.

"Stop! Please!" she pleaded. Myra held her arms in front of her, her hands were shaking. For the first time in a while she was genuinely scared.

"A lightsaber can only help you for so long. Remember that sometimes your opponent will have a trick up their sleeve, or maybe even backup. You must learn how to use the Force in turn with your lightsaber." Chikara explained patiently.

"What are you on about?" Myra asked as she got up. Chikara then used the Force to get his lightsaber from her.

"Training starts tomorrow." he said. "Ilmig, old friend, I'm not a fighter so I'll need your help on that front."

"Oh no. Noooo. Not my problem." Ilmig rejected the idea.

"You will help me train her."

"I will help you train her." repeated Ilmig. Myra was surprised to see a Jedi with such a weak mind.

"Wait. What made you change your mind? It feels rushed and out of character." she questioned.

Chikara never answered her. He simply walked away and cooped up in his room. Myra never knew why Chikara had suddenly changed his mind about being her Master. Not until after his death.