Probably Gonna Give You Up, Definitely Gonna Let You Down, and We'll Be Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming After This Brief Time Skip

"Hola bitches!" Myra burst into the Council and exclaimed in a loud voice.

Every Master was staring at her with murderous intent. Well, almost all of them, Yoda just looked at her with judgemental eyes but she wasn't the type to let that get to her. In the center of the Council was a hologram of Senator Bail Organa who had a more confused look than anyone else in the room.

"Bail, long time no see. How's the arm?" she tried to lighten the mood.

"Still attached." he replied.

"Nice." the only reply she could come up with. "Listen, Yoda – MASTER Yoda –" she corrected, "we gotta talk about her." Myra turned to direct his attention to Mila but realized she wasn't actually behind her.

"I swear she's not invisible."

"Myra R'tas, can you not see we have more pressing matters than your own personal complaints?" Master Plo Koon asked with a firm voice.

"In my defense, I didn't know you guys had a guest."

"It's all right General R'tas, I was done here anyway." said Senator Organa. "Master Yoda, I have given you all the information I know on the situation, I do hope you will act upon it."

Master Yoda left Senator Organa hanging for a good six seconds before finally replying.

"I already have, Senator." Yoda replied.

"I see. I thank you, Master Yoda." and just like that, Bail Organa was gone.

Yoda closed his eyes and sighed heavily with annoyance. After a bit he finally opened his eyes and acknowledged Myra's presence in the room.

"Have you no semblance of manners?" he asked.

"If I did, would I have barged in like that?"

"Leave us." he ordered the rest of the Council.

They all stood up at once and made their way out the door. Some glanced at Myra on their way out while others ignored her presence and exited like any other day.

"Come, child." he ordered.

Myra took one step before Yoda stopped her.

"Not you." he said firmly.

Myra looked behind her and saw Mila coming out from behind one of the doors and quickly made her way to Myra.

"Why have you come?" he asked.

"To give her back." Myra replied. "Give her to someone better."

"You doubt yourself."

"I can say without a a doubt that this kid deserves a better Master."

Yoda grunted with annoyance and walked towards both of them.

"Do you know what you have, Myra R'tas?" he asked.

"Quick wit, killer looks, and a personality everyone just loves?"

Yoda ignored her comment and turned his focus towards Mila.

"Look at your Master, child." he instructed and Mila did as she was told. "What do you see?"

"A great young woman with the potential to be a great Jedi." she said confidently.


"Lying. Know that I do, Myra." Yoda cut her off.

"I was actually gonna say she's sucking up to me but yeah that works too." Myra corrected him.

"Trouble speaking your mind you have." he used his stick to point at Mila. " And you, never shut up you do." he pointed at Myra.

"Rude." Myra pretended to be insulted, it's not like she was about to deny it.

"Needed you are, at Alderaan."

Myra was angry that he just got personal with both of them and carried on as if he just hadn't insulted her.

"Ok great whatever. Who do I leave the kid with?"

"Take her with you you will."

"For the love of shit bro." Myra complained. "I can literally name all my flaws right now."

"Ignored your relationship with Sariel we have." he said suggestively.

"I'm not in a relationship with her. Why does everyone think we're in one? It was a one night thing."

"For nearly a year this has gone."

"Can we forget about my non-existent relationship?!"

"Continue to do so I will if your role as Master you fulfill."

"Yoda you cheeky bastard, have my criminal ways rubbed off on you?"

"Do I get a say in this?" Mila asked.

"Shush, the questionable adult and the walking garden gnome are talking." Myra ordered.

"Yes ma'am." Mila said quietly.

Yoda had a look of disapproval.

"To Alderaan you will go. Your Padawan you will take." Yoda instructed. "Or leave her with another Master you will, hold it against you I will not."

"Ok, great. I'll leaver her with the first person I see." Myra made her way out of the Council room.

"The same decision your father had to make when he met you." Yoda's words made her stop immediately.

"You don't get to play that card." she tried her best to hold her anger. "You don't get to–" Myra stopped herself and wiped a tear she hadn't realized was running down her face.

"As my Apprentice I would've taken you, but his decision he made."

"And look where that got him."

"With regret do you think he lived as your Master?"

"With the way I turned out? Definitely. Let's go kid."

Mila was confused and even hesitated to follow her, but in the end she did.

"And Master Yoda?" Myra turned around once more before leaving. "You're a bit of an asshole." she didn't hear Yoda reply to her after that. Even if he did, she had already left the room.

As she walked down the hall she suddenly yelled out in anger. She kept on walking and ignored all the eyes on her. Mila, who was just behind her, sped up a little and walked beside her.

"Is something wrong, Master?" she asked.

"That damn green bastard thinks he can make me change my mind just like that?! Huh?!" Myra exclaimed. "Sometimes I just wann friggin–" Myra stopped herself from ranting any longer.

"Let's just find a Jedi Knight willing to take you in." she said in a calmer tone.

"We've passed several Knights already, Master."

"I know, okay? I know for the love of shit."

"Have you not made a decision yet?" Mila asked.

"Fffff–" she struggled to respond. "Rook?" she opened a comm line.

"Ma'am?" the clone on the other end responded.

"Get the ship ready, we're going to Alderaan."

"What for ma'am?"

"I'm sure the great and mighty Yoda will tell us along the way." she said sarcastically.

"I'll tell the rest of the men."

"You do that." she was about to end the line. "And make space for one more."

"Of course, General."

"What's going on, Master?" asked Mila.

Myra yelled again, but this time out of annoyance rather than anger.

"One of these days I'm gonna duke it out with Yoda. I swear, that guy's had it coming for a long time."

Myra practically stomped her way into the elevator and slammed the ground floor button. Mila stood awkwardly next to her, both were silent for a while.

"Shit! Shit! Shit' Dammit! Shit!" Myra continuously kicked the walls of the elevator in a fit of anger.

Mila stepped away from her with fear on her face. Myra eventually stopped and let herself fall to the ground. She sat with her back to one of the walls and started banging her head against it.

"I could've taken the elevator down after you if you needed to relieve some anger." Mila suggested.

Myra stopped banging her head and stood up. As she did she used the Force and forcibly stopped the elevator, leaving them hanging in between two floors.

"Master, what's going on?"

Myra got uncomfortably close to Mila and knelt in front of her.

"Look at me." she ordered.

"I‐I don't understand–"

"Look. At. Me." Myra grabbed Mila's head and forced her to make eye contact with her. "What do you see?"

"I don't–"

"Complete. Honesty." she said more aggressively.

"Someone...someone who doesn't deserve the title of Jedi."

"At least we agree on something." Myra let go of Mila and let the elevator run the rest of its course.

"My name's Myra. Myra R'tas."

"I...know that?" Mila was confused.

"Yeah, but this time it's a proper introduction."

"I see. Well, then I'm Mila Verdant. It's a pleasure to meet you, Master."

Myra let the silence linger for a good long while, but finally spoke up when they were just about to reach the ground floor.

"You have the eyes of a liar, Mila. I'd know." Myra said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mila asked.

The elevator doors opened to the ground floor and Myra was the first to exit. It was when she just barely exited that she spoke once more.

"It means...that I hope one day you'll tell me your real name."


She doused the fire even further. The wreckage of her old TIE fighter burned bright in the night sky. She figured she had at least a few extra days before the Empire tracked her down.

When she had been stationed at the research out post in Eadu she never thought much of it. Not until she met Galen Erso and saw that they had the same thoughts about the Empire.

Lying, cheating, and stealing are fair game, even for the good guys. At least that's what her Master used to say. It was exactly what she did. She played the long game in the Empire, lying about her beliefs while looking for a way to help out the Rebellion. Shortly after they met, her Master had told her that she had the eyes of a liar and she was right. It took her a while to realize she and her Master were two different kinds of liars. Myra R'tas lied for financial gain in her younger days. Imperial Inquisitor Mara Jade lied for survival.

It was that same instinct for survival that prevented her from openly helping Galen Erso. Of course, when the pilot came into the picture that's when she had finally decided to help, mainly because she wouldn't be the one actively putting her life on the line. All she had to do was give the green light to his unauthorized launch to give him a chance at escape and deliver Galen's message.

When she saw the Death Star get blown apart by the Rebel Alliance it was the most amazing sight and she knew the pilot had made it. Meeting Galen Erso and helping him and the pilot, any other Jedi would've said it was the way of the Force. Her Master would've said it was dumb luck and a damn miracle that the plan worked out.

The day the Death Star fell she had been standing in front of the monitors and felt...hope. Not fear for what the Empire would to the Rebels in retaliation. Instead she felt hope. As she stared at the screens for the first time in a long time, she laughed. Several officers stared at her in confusion until one of them asked, "Why?". And Mara responded, "Because why the hell not?"

She then tore her way through the base, until she managed to make her escape in her TIE Fighter. She would've taken it to the ends of the galaxy if it hadn't been an easily tracked aircraft.

Mara stared at the fire just a little longer and cried a little. After a long time she finally let herself cry for all the things she did for the Empire. Among those thoughts she had a regret for the one thing she was never able to do. She never had the chance to tell her Master her real name.