One Night Stand(?), Crappy Deployments, and Teacher's Pet

Myra felt the bedside and felt nothing. She barely managed to open her own eyes to Sariel halfway done with putting on her armor.

"Leaving so early?" she asked sluggishly.

Sariel stopped what she was doing and almost jumped at the sound of Myra's voice. Myra took a second to contemplate her figure, that beautiful figure that would hide once more under all that armor.

"I have a job, Myra." Sariel said and started putting on her breastplate. "And so do you, remember? 'Keeper of the peace'." she joked.

"Yes, because fighting a neverending war with an army of clones counts as keeping the peace." Myra sat up on the bed.

"Do you have to go? If I say you're a family member that needs a tour of the city I might just get away with it." Myra joked with her.

Sariel smiled just before her face faded into her helmet.

"It's better if I leave, you're not supposed to have attachments remember? Besides, this was a one night thing."

"This 'one night thing' has been going on for months, Sariel."

"I'll be seeing you, Myra." Sariel ignored her comment and made her exit.

"I love you." Myra told her.

Sariel stopped immediately but she didn't turn around.

"No. You don't." and then she left Myra by herself.

Myra let herself fall back into the bed and sighed heavily.

"Yes, I do." Myra mumbled to herself.

Eventually she finally decided to get out of the bed and start changing herself. She found herself a semi-clean shirt that didn't smell as bad as the others she'd found before.

Once she was satisfied with her slovenly appearance she strolled into her kitchen, or what was left of it at this point. Nowadays it doubled as a closet full of old clothes instead of a regular kitchen to cook and eat in.

"Saw Sariel on my way in. You still got a thing going with her?"

Myra reacted quickly to the mysterious voice and instinctively Force pushed. She didn't have her saber at the ready so this was all she could do. The man just barely managed to protect himself, sliding slightly across the floor. The surroundings, however, didn't fare as well. Myra's living room was now an even bigger mess than it was before.

"Dammit, Ilmig. What the hell man?" she complained.

Ilmig collected himself and smiled, that damn cocky smile of his, it actually pissed Myra off a little. He dusted off, pretty much nothing, from his Jedi robes and joined her in the kitchen.

"Is this how you treat your old teacher?"

"It's how I treat a creep that just barges in uninvited." she tried to hold back her anger as much as she could.

"I didn't let myself in, Sariel let me in."

"Last I checked this was my house not hers."

"And last time I checked you guys weren't in a relationship."

"We're not. It's a one night thing."

"One night? It's been going on for almost a year."

"One night every couple of days. Kinda counts."

"That logic makes no sense at all."

"I don't wanna hear that from mister 'it's technically a punch'."

"Because it technically was!" he retorted.

"You know damn well it wasn't."

"yOu KNow DaMn wEll iT WaSn't." he mocked.

"You're an adult, why are you acting so childish?"

"You're also an adult, why are you going along with it?" he retorted.

"For the love of shit." she sounded disappointed. "Why are you even here?" Myra asked, annoyed.

"Because I'm not gonna be here next month and, well... you know." he attempted to avoid the topic.

"Two years. I know." she said in a low voice.

"And I thought I'd check up on you."

"I'll be fine, Ilmig. Two years is more than enough to grieve." she tried to say as confidently as she could. "And forget." she added.

"If I were a wiser man--"

"Are you?" Myra cut him off.

"IF I were a wiser man," he emphasized, "I'd say forgetting isn't healthy. Remembering is part of the process Myra. Choosing to forget and using Sariel as a distraction only makes you more like Chikara."

"You know what they say; like father, like daughter."

"Maybe too much." he regretted.

"And who says I'm using Sariel as a distraction?"

"Anyone with eyes can see it Myra. This 'one night stand' thing you got going with her? It's like his excessive drinking. It's nothing more than a drug to you." he scolded her firmly.

Myra grew angrier but chose to stay quiet.

"Look, if this is all you came for, the damn door is right there. I don't need this kind of shit so early in the morning."

"It's past noon." he corrected her.

"Like I care." she replied.

Ilmig sighed heavily, seemingly giving up on her. After a few seconds of awkward silence Ilmig made his way towards the exit of the apartment.

"Ilmig." Myra called out.

Ilmig stopped and turned to look at her.

"Take a girl for a ride? Before you leave?"

"I wish I could." he smiled at her. "I'm being sent to the Outer Rim. No clue how long I'll be there and I'm leaving in a couple hours."

"Figures." she scoffed. "I'm still stuck on repetitive guard duty deployments."

"I mean... you're a little reckless."

"Senator Organa ALMOST lost an arm. Almost."

"You make it seem less serious than it actually was."

"Did he die?"


"Did he die?"

"Well... no."


"But that's more than enough for the Order."

"And it haunts me so." she said sarcastically.

"Oh my dear Myra, how could it not? 'Twas but a fortnight ago that ye almost delivered a man to the afterlife." Ilmig played along with her with a fake accent.

"'Twas not a fortnight ago, it was... um... what's ye olde english for two months?" she asked.

Ilmig chuckled a little and so did she. He walked towards her and pulled her in for a hug.

"Be good while I'm gone, kiddo."

"No promises."

"I figured." he patted her lightly on the back and let her go. "Tell Sariel I said 'goodbye'."

"She won't be back."

"Right." Ilmig doubted.

"And you make sure you don't slice–" she was cut off by the sudden knocking on her door. "You expecting someone?"

"Why would I be expecting someone? I don't even live here."

"True. True." she said as she opened it.

As soon as she did she took one glance at who was knocking and shut the door in his face.

"Who was it?" Ilmig asked.

"No one important." she replied.

Before they could say anything else Myra's front door came flying across her living room with Ilmig just barely stopping it from crashing against the wall. Myra combed her hair with her fingers trying to get the few pieces of wood that fell on her.

"Son of a bitch! Who the hell's gonna pay maintenance to fix that?" she turned to ask.

"Myra R'tas. It's been too long."

In walked Mace Windu with a condescending attitude and a way of walking that Myra always described as his ego crammed into his lightsaber which he then sticked up his own ass just to prove he could.

"Trust me not long enough." she said as she finished fixing her hair.

"Anyone important lose any limbs recently?" he asked.

"Almost. Almost, people. The man still has both his arms. And you better pay for that door."

"Come on, we're all friends here. Master Ilmig." he bowed slightly and Ilmig bowed as well.

"Master Windu."

"Master R'tas." he turned his attention to her again. "I heard from your last team that you managed to stop an attempted assassination on a member of the Senate."

"I wouldn't know. Cad Bane threw me out the Windu."

"Excuse me?" he looked confused.

"You'd have to experience it to understand." she replied.

"Right. Well..." he clapped his hands together as if anxiously waiting for something, "the reason I have humbled you with my presence."

"Who says we're humbled?" Ilmig asked jokingly and Myra tried to hold in a smile.

"Man the two of you are a real pain in the ass." he said harshly.

"What is it this time? Am I getting sued for damages again?" Myra asked.

"Again?" Ilmig questioned.

"Long story." she replied.

"Actually she was supposed to come in with me." he turned and faced the entrance. "You can come in." he called out.

A young girl came in, roughly 12 or 14 years of age with dark skin and hair so dark it looked like light didn't reflect off of it. She had her arms crossed and was a little hunched, clearly nervous about being there. Her robes were a light brown and looked a little too perfect of a fit for her.

"Which one of us is it?" asked Ilmig.

"Take a guess. It's a 50/50." Windu replied.

"I mean only one of us is the main character so..." Myra speculated.

"'Scuse me?" they both asked simultaneously.

"We were all thinking about it."

"No one was thinking about that." stated Windu. "But yes, you are right."

"Haaaaa suck it. Wait. No. Nononononono. NO!"

"I'm afraid so. Jedi Knight R'tas, meet Mila Verdant." Windu introduced her and she responded by slightly waving her hand at her.

"What kind of person gets their family last name to be a color?" Ilmig asked.

"Same person that's been obsessing over 'RWBY' for the past month or so." said Myra.

"You're not at all mad about this?" asked Windu.

"Are you gonna take anything I say and consider it?"


"Then all I can do is complain in silence." Myra retorted. "Why do you guys keep giving padawans to Jedi that clearly shouldn't have one?"

"We're in the middle of a war, beggars can't be choosers." he explained.

"But we can definitely abandon them."

"And I'll send you to prison for abandoning a padawan."

"Ladies, ladies. Please, not in front of the kid." Ilmig cut in between the two of them.

"Master Gloin is right. Besides, I should be taking my leave", he started to make his way towards the exit, " and you should too Master Gloin, You have little time to yourself before you depart."

"Yeah I know." Ilmig replied.

"Goodbye hug?" Myra asked and extended her arms.

"See you around, Myra." he accepted the hug and left Myra and Mila by themselves.

"So...hi." Myra approached the girl.

"Hello there." the girl replied.

"Son of a bitch I forgot about the door." Myra raised her voice.

She approached the detached door and lifted it with the Force and made her way towards three entrance. Once there she aligned it as perfectly as she could and did her best to readjust the hinges. After she felt it was good enough she pulled out her lightsaber revealing its cyan blade and slowly brought it closer to the door.

"Is that safe?" she heard Mila ask.

"Of course it is. Sabers are just giant blow torches...just a lot deadlier."

"I see, another use for a magnificent weapon."

"I'm...just being lazy. I'd rather not pay to have it fixed."

"One's own financial interest, no doubt it's a great idea." Mila complimented.

"Yeah totally amazing." Myra said sarcastically.

"Is that why you also won't hire someone to handle the cleaning?"

"Is the mess in my humble abode bothering you?"

"Oh no, by any means no. There is nothing wrong with it being at all like this. As a matter of fact, whatever statement you're trying to make, the message will get to them."

Myra ignored Mila and finished working on the ladt hinge. She pulled and pushed the door to make sure it still worked and finally closed it.

"Come here." Myra ordered.

The girl walked quite fast and stopped mere centimeters away from Myra. She felt somewhat uncomfortable and backed away just a little and knelt in front of her. When she did this she was now face to face with her and realized that her eyes were a bright green. Green. That was the same color as Chikara's lightsaber, the first saber she had ever held. She brushed the thought aside immediately and focused on the girl again.

"Tell me, teacher gives you homework and the next day class goes by normally. But then towards the end of class you realize that the teacher forgot to ask for the homework. What would you do?"

"Let him or her know that they forgot to collect it." Mila replied.

"Sweet mother of the Force. You're one of those kids."

"Those..?" Mila was confused.

"Your closest friend just got the answers to the test, do you ask her for them or tell on her?"

"Tell on her, it's wrong to do that."

"The whole class just did a bad and they all unanimously agree to stay quiet even when the teacher finds out, but the teacher calls you out and tells you to be honest. What do you do?"

"Well of course I'd be honest."

Myra was dumbfounded. For once she didn't know what to say.

"Okay. Okay. If I told you Master Yoda had an illegitimate child, would you believe me?"

"I would, I don't see any reason for you to lie to me."

"Windu you bastard you gave me a suck up."

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, just taking to myself." Myra said as she stood up. "Did you have any friends back at youngling training?"

"I...uh..." the child looked down and had a sudden somber look in her face.

"Ignore what I just asked." Myra told her just so she'd wipe that look off her face, clearly it was the wrong thing to ask.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Both Myra and Mila turned towards the door and found Sariel staring at both of them. Myra was just surprised she didn't hear or see her come in.

"No, nothing. You forget something?"

"I just came to ask if you wanted anything from Alderaan when I come back."

"No, I'll be fine. Didn't you have to leave already? You could've just sent a holo."

"It's my ship, Myra. It leaves when I want it to and I thought it would be better to ask personally."

"No, it's fine really."

"Is she" Sariel pointed at Mila.

"Padawan." Myra answered.

"They gave you a padawan?"

"Seems like it."

"Right seeing you." she slightly waved her hand and smiled at Mila before she walked out the door again.

"Master, who was she?" Mila asked.

"She's night stand." she explained.

"A one night stand that promises to come back and asked if you wanted a souvenir?"

"What are you, like 13? A one night stand shouldn't be in your vocabulary."

Myra saw that Mila whispered under her breath and just as quickly looked up at her again.

"I hear the older kids talking sometimes."

"Well, listen. This whole thing is a problem. I really am not suited to be your Master, so pack your bearings we're going to the Temple."

"But, why?"

"I need to have a talk with Master Yoda. Maybe he can give you to someone better like Plo Koon or Kit Fisto. Anyone really."

"Well, shouldn't you at least wear better clothes?"

Myra stopped dead in her tracks and looked herself over. She had forgotten about the mess of a look she had chosen and almost walked out in public this way.

"I think you're better off with Windu."

Myra didn't give the girl time to answer, she simply said what she wanted and went back to her room to work on her outfit.