A wave of disappointment gushed through his veins as his eyes dampened. The woman who entered alongside his guest wasn't a presence that he looked forward to meeting.
With a heart full of suspicion, the man emptily gazed at the two, an eyebrow raised in doubt.
Though the masked woman wasn't one he awaited, the appearance of a completely random person unrelated to them raised surmise within his mind.
The conclusion he came with was that the girl was someone related to Yue XiFeng. Either that or the person was Yue XiFeng herself, disguising as someone else.
However, the aura she exuded was more of a gentle one, contrasting to Yue XiFeng's indomitable confidence. Since the shreds of evidence he had were all based on perception, he couldn't pry further to whether it was her or not without communication.
Thus, a mere glance was all he spared before once again losing himself within the depths of his thoughts.
Lian Ji stiffened at the man's indifference as she let out a sigh of relief. Truthfully, she wanted to leave and never come back to face this man., as she knew very well of the reputation he holds. She was even quick to comprehend the fact that the side of him he displays afront her and Yue XiFeng was something very unlike his usual self.
The man seemed like a person of high importance, one who instilled on an air of arrogance and class around him. Though, in actuality, he was just unconcerned concerning the view of others.
Call him egoistic, deem him centralistic, but the fact that the only person whose opinions he paid heed to was Yue XiFeng's could never change.
As to how she convinced the cold-hearted tyrant to abide by her whims, none dared to ask. But all they know was that the indisputable fact remained that way for so long.
Expecting his beloved to come, Li Qiang even went as far as to prepare an opulent greeting for his guests to be. Howbeit let down by the reality that came soon after.
The two walked in strides, their backs straight, heads up high, protruding an air of confidence to everyone in sight. Though what they wore was subpar to others, the feeling they gave off was certainly not. To top it off, they walked alongside imposing men who accompanied them wearing custom-tailored suits.
Entering the room, the two were lead to their prospective seats, 20 feet apart from the man who beckoned them to meet.
Lian Ji quietly abided, keeping her baffled expression at bay, while the woman in white beside her lightly smirked. Her pale navy blue dress fluttered as she gently sat, a nervous look on her as she eyed anxiously at the woman in white sitting without a care in the world.
As they sat at the furthest seat, the food they ate was different from what Li Qiang ate. Hence, they were able to eat without restrictions, though their appetites lost seeing the glaring man afront them.
But the delicacies lined on the table made it impossible for them to resist the alluring scent radiating from them. Chicken, pork, fish, you name it, everything is there ready to be eaten.
Although, they were reminded again of the current situation by a light cough from a certain awkward man.
Awkward silence immersed itself in the room as neither of them said a word, merely gazing at one another with indifferent expressions plastered on their blank faces. Lian Ji's gaze alternated from the food to the two people with her, while her partner grinned as she stared at her meal.
Nervous, she eventually followed suit to her partner as she chose to abandon all rational thoughts, for the current situation was exceptional as it is.
Lian Ji decided on the spot to delve into the abyss staring into it as she puffed her chest, beaming a thin and tranquil smile. Though she was nervous, she felt the need to do something as a means to ease the tension in the room.
Albeit, she managed to attract not only the attention of the man afront her, but her companion's as well. The woman in white smiled as she lifted the glass of 'grape juice' placed near her tableware. Swirling the wine glass, crescents formed from her orbs as her lips neatly curved to a subtle smile.
Slowly shifting her gaze to the man who was the recipient of the smile, her subtle grin dispersed, replacing it was a squint of the eyes. It was a gaze filled with ill intent yet barely noticeable due to the wine glass blocking it.
However, Li Qiang noticed the malice-filled gaze, yet he decided not to confront it as he was intrigued.
It had gladdened him that the people Yue XiFeng decided to trust were competent enough. Her temperament was enough to see that she had found a friend befitting of her in every way. Plus, this person could as well be the mediator if things go south due to Yue XiFeng's violently or at times, impulsive actions.
If his speculation of the identity of the woman was correct, then she had found herself a jackpot, winning herself a lottery ticket desired by all.
His gaze diverted itself to the woman in white who was leisurely sipping her juice.
As if she was oblivious, she did not pay heed to the man, causing him to query. Nevertheless, such a dubious gaze is bound to raise awareness to even the densest people. It was not that she did not realize but merely ignored it.
Intentionally provoking the man, she pleasantly stuffed herself with food, not giving a single damn on the man whose looks could kill her.
The entire time, only once did she stop to meet the man's glare, a smile of ridicule on her when she did.
If not for the fact that she exuded an air that was radically different from Yue XiFeng's, Li Qiang would've already speculated it to be her.
Hence, as he was curious, the first words he uttered the entire awkward moment was,
"Who is she?"
After five gruesomely long minutes, something that was not the sound of gnawing was finally heard.