Chapter 21

After Elden dropped off Mars at the location where he needed to be, Mars headed up into town.

He quickly found someone.

" Hello, I was assigned the mission here. Do you know where the fields are? "

" Oh your the help. Go down that path and on the outskirts of town you'll be fine the fields. "

" Okay. Thank you. " Mars said as he started to walk away from the man.

" They sent a kid. Are we really that unimportant? " The man muttered under his breath.

Mars stopped for a second as he heard the statement but ignored it as he continued to walk.

' Either he's mad that a child was sent or it's because the kingdom ignored this village for a long time and the rabbits caused a lot of damage.

Either way not my problem. I just need to take care of the rabbits. '

Mars went his way to the fields reaching it as he looks over it.

There were many. He could make out multiple fields for different vegetables and fruits as well.

The fruit looked ripe and juicy from what he could see.

" Beautiful isn't it? " said an old voice.

Mars looked to the side go see an old man. He had a long grey beard with wrinkles an his face. He was as tall as Mars so he was pretty short.

" Your the mage sent to take care of the rabbits right? "

" Yes sir. Can you tell me where they are located right now? "

" Hmm why? "

" Just to observe them. Don't worry I won't cause any problems like agitating them. "

" I'll take your word for it. They are located in that forest. They usually appear from over there when they come down to eat. "

" I see. Thank you. "

Mars then left as he created a crystal platform as it lifted up into the air as moved forward.

The old man had a shocked expression as Mars flew off in the direction he pointed towards.

Mars flew above the trees of the forest as he tried to find the rabbits. He had a picture of them.

After flying for about a few minutes Mars found the rabbits as he slowed down.

He made his platform disappear as he sat on a tree branch watching the rabbits.

' I don't how they use their abilties. As long as one leaves, I can use that to learn on how to kill them. '

Mars waited for 2 hours before watching on rabbit leave the group.

As he left Mars followed. He made clones which went in opposite directions just in case it escapes.

He followed the rabbit using the stealth skills he gained when facing Elden. He needed to learn how to hide to regain his strength.

As he stopped, he sent a single at the rabbit. The rabbit noticed as he dodged creating an almost complete after image where the spike went through.

During that time Mars clones sealed off the area trapping the rabbit.

Mars stood in front of the rabbit as the rabbit stared back. The rabbit took a step back before lowering itself.

Mars was on gaurd as the rabbit charged at him. The rabbit was fast as he appeared in front of Mara but..

' Captain was faster. '

Mars blocked the attack with a crystal sheild on his arm which shattered on impact. In that spilt second Mars quickly created a lance and manipulated it to pierce right through the rabbits head.

He let body drop to the floor.

' Okay. I fucked up. I needed to figure it's double jump ability but couldn't see it. However I now that the rabbits gather wind magic at their feet for that boost in speed.

It could do the same in the air or make a wind platform to jump off of. Either way i know I can kill them. The leader might be the hardest but I'll get to that after the others. '

Mars headed back to the group as he noticed that more have left. He then noticed coming back with something in its mouth.

" Food. It's time for them to eat. Perfect chance. "

Mars waited as they ate. He noticed that the first ones who are were probably ones who don't fight as they became sleepy.

Once they all ate, he waited for a few minutes before having his clones on stand bye.

He gave the signal as they shot their arrows at the ones that faught. 10 were killed as 5 dodged in time. The leader was one of them.

Acting quickly his other clones made a barrier to trap them from escaping and separated the ones that can't fight with ones that can. Mars appeared inside the barrier with some of his clones.

Mars quickly sent out an attack from the ground aiming for their feet. 2 of them jumped into the air and gathered wind at their feet but we're killed by arrows.

The others dodged to the side before slaughtering the clones.

' The leader is the fastest and most dangerous. I'll let take out more clones as the other rabbits are... '

As the rabbits went for there next clones and smashed through them a spike came out from underneath them and stabbed them.

They writhed in pain before they stopped moving all together.

' Dead. ' Mars thought.

He looked at the leader who looked at the corpses. He then looked at Mars with his bloodlust rising and attacked him.

As he reached him and kicked him Mars shattered. It was just a clone as Mars came up from behind him and stabbed his leg. The leader roared in pain before a spike hit him straight in the head. He fell to the ground dead.

' Hmm all of them are dead now. Guess I'm done. ' Mars stopped his magic as the crystals broke into pieces and disappeared.

On the other side you could see the other rabbits dead on the ground with blood pouring out of their bodies.

' I should get rid of these. Don't want to cause bigger problems to the village. '

Creating a giant platform, he used his magic to get all the rabbit corpses onto it. He then lifted the platform, standing on it, as it flew away.

Finding a place for away form the village he dumped the corpses as they piled on top of each other.

Once he finished Mars headed back to the village. Elden soon picked him up and returned to the base.


Hello everyone.

Happy New Year!!

Let's hope this year won't as shitty as 2020.

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Also I made a Pokemon fanfic. It's called

Pokemon: Transported into a fanfic.

If you're interested go check it out