Chapter 24

Elden walks through the halls of the kings castle humming to himself as he remembered the pride he felt when he saw Mars, Fana and Ladros come back with not even a scratch on them.

Needless to say the party that was thrown was a night to remember.

' Damn that was fun. Those 3 have grown up so much. ' Elden thought as he remembered how they were when he first saw them.

' Good times. ' Elden thought.

Walking through the doors he saw the king on his thrown in front of a table as Edlen went and sat down after bowing.

" Hello your majesty. Why have you called me here today? " Elden said.

' I don't feel like wasting my time here today. Let's just finish this. '

" Hmm Elden good to see your on time. " The king started.

" The reason I've called you here is for a debriefing of your mission. Have you heard of a town called Rosemary? "

' Rosemary? ' Elden thought.

" You mean the small village directly on the border between the Diamond Kingdom and the clover kingdom? "

" Yes thats the one. " The king said.

" That will be your target as we have to add that village to our Kingdom. Gaining control over it will be a huge boost.

Your mission is to go and seize it. Do you understand? "

" Yes sir. However what should I do if I run into a clover kingdom mage? "

" Depending on their skill with magic I'll let you have that call. If the mage is to powerful for you it's best if you run away.

I don't want to lose another excellent mage to the kingdom. " The king said.

Elden stayed silent as he looked at the king with his usual blank look during meetings.

' Well looks like I have something to do. Let's see who I will face. '

Elden got up and said his goodbyes before leaving the castle.

Entering the kitchen Eldne went to grab a drink as he thought about the mission.

' So the conflict starts. Makes sense as the Diamond Kingdom wants do take over the clover kingdom.

For now I need to get ready. Depending on who I meet..... It won't matter as it the battle will be destructive either way. '

Sighing Eldne grabbed his communicator bug and called the old hag.

" Well this is a surprise. Didn't expect to hear from you brat. So what's up? " Said the old hag in a sarcastic tone.

' Sigh the old hag hasn't changed at all. '

" I have a mission to get Rosemary village on the Diamond Kingdoms side however I'm pretty sure that a clover mage will show up."

" Well your not wrong. I know who the person you'll be facing is as well. "

" That's good. Beside stay how many connections do you have? " Elden asked in an exasperated tone remembering all the people who are friends with her.

" Enough. "

Elden just rolled his eyes at that.

" Either way don't you want to know how you'll be facing? "

" Well yeah that's why I called you? "

" And not to check up on this caring grandma? For shame. "

" You'll die soon old hag. But don't worry your tombstone has already been built. Anyway what's the person name? " Elden asked.

" Sigh young people these days. " The old hag sighed on the other end.

" The person you'll be facing from the clover kingdom is

Yami Sukehiro. "





" Achhooo....

Someone must be talking about me. "


Hello people.

As you can see this is not dropped. I just had multiple exams which I had to do so I was very busy.

So either way have a nice day.