7: LunarMoon pill

Young master bai clenched his teeth in pain as he looked at Li fan with fear in his eyes.

"W-wait, Li fan don't do this, we used to be buddies back in the village..p...plus my dad wouldn't forgive you if you crippled me" young master bai was shocked at Li fan's strength, but his eyes turned into that of gloating as he finished the last half of his words..

"Threatening me?" Li fan smirked and lashed out once again, he didn't give a f*ck about this fools parents, he would destroy them too if they came to seek revenge..


Li fan threw a huge fist towards young master bai's abdomen, he was then sent flying towards his lackey, coincidently they ended up right on top on each other..

"Fuck get of me" young master bai completely forgot about the pain in his body and pushed his lackey away, how the hell did they end up kissing!

The kiss lasted for only a few seconds, but it was enough to make Li fan laugh maniacally!!

"F*ck you, just wait, my dad will definitely flatten your little house and your sister will be sold to a brothel" young master bai said..

Li fan turned cold as he heard him talking about his sister..


Another round of beating was given out as young master bai screamed in pain, his handsome face had become twisted and bruised, even if he managed to heal he would still look very hideous!!!

They scurried away after Li fan released them, Li fan didn't care if they brought more trouble, the people in the village weren't considered strong at all, actually they could be the weakest in the world when it comes to cultivation, of course mortals don't count.

[Ding!!! Congratulations on completing a hidden mission!!!

Task: have a fight against a martial artist above the 1st stage!!

Reward: 1 high-lucky draw

Time limit: none!] the system's voice was heard in his head, coupled with the holographic screen, Li fan was shocked, he hadn't expected there to be hidden missions he could complete without the system handing them out, he felt even better!!!

The reward interested him, after all before he was only given a lucky draw , but now it was a high-lucky draw, he knew there had to be a difference..

"System, doin the wheel of fortune" Li fan shouted, a huge golden wheel materialized on the holographic screen as it stretched out, he then held the rims of the wheel and spun it with all his strength..

[Ding! Congratulation!!

Reward: lunarMoon pill] the system's mechanical voice was heard again..

Li fan's eyes flashed with light as he looked at the reward, he didn't know what it was but it felt useful..

He decided to use it only after making sure Li xiao had something to eat..

Li fan hastily picked up the meat and dashed to the peak of the mountain at a bizarre speed, it wasn't long before he reached the wooden shack..

He slowly opened the door and let out a sigh of relief, Li xiao'er was still sleeping, the aroma of the food would definitely wake her up.


Li fan took half an hour to skin the meat of the two beasts and thoroughly cleaned them near the pond behind the shack, he then created a fire using some sticks and leaves and then begin cooking the meat..

A few minutes past and the aroma of the meat slowly drifted towards the shack..


Li xiao'er lazily ribbed her eyes as she sat up from the bed, she unconsciously wiped away her drool before sitting up..

"Brother?" Xiao'er was confused, she usually woke up before her brother, but now he was gone..

"Oh no, was it all a dream?" Li xiao'er nearly reared up at the thought of her brother waking up yesterday to be a dream..

She looked out the window and noticed Li fan happily cooking the meat while looking at her..

"You, finally woke up huh?" Li fan said playfully..

"Brother I thought you died" Li xiao pouted her small lips and walked out happily..


Li fan and Li xiao surprisingly managed to finish the meat of the two beasts, Li fan ate the most and he was then questioned by his sister on how he got so much food, he could only bullshit his way out of it..

He then spent the rest of the day talking and playing with Li xiao'er, they even managed to make a small swing, which xiao'er likes very much..

Yet after a while she fell back asleep in the afternoon after Li fan was planning on going hunting again..

Li fan released a heavy sigh as he tucked her in bed, he could finally cultivate now, he then found a suitable spot away from the shack. Pulling out the LunarMoon pill from his inventory, Li fan closely inspected it, the lunar moon pull itself was very bizarre, it reminded him of a translucent marble he had seen back on earth, yet the pill gave a sweet fragrance of medicine and herbs..

Li fan sat down in the lots position and calmed his breathing, he then began to circulate the heavenly lotus art as he threw the LunarMoon pill into his mouth, it was as if lotuses danced around him as his body shone brightly, Li fan who thought he was cultivating was very calm and clueless about what was going on around him..

As the LunarMoon pill touched his dantian it erupted into a mysterious and profound energy and scattered across his body, crazily enhancing his bone, tendons, muscles and his blood.

A loud bang was heard throughout Li fan's body as he broke through to the fourth stage, he then continued cultivating as he had no clue of his fast advancement.

An area of tens of meters around him became chilly as flakes of ice appeared on his face..

Li fan calmly cultivated as if he didn't feel a thing!!