8: [Lunar-Wave Sword Art]

Li fan sat atop the mountain peak as he cultivated earnestly, the bright scorching sun was right above his head, yet the cold ice stuck tightly over his face didn't seem to be melting at all..

A strong cool breeze swept across the mountain peak, causing the leaves of plant life to dance in the wind..


A small blue colored bird flew right over Li fan's head, one would expect it to leave the scene immediately, yet it actually came back and landed on Li fan's head.

Li fan's head was like a nest as the little bird squirmed around and found a comfortable spot on his head and decided to fall asleep..

Li fan was unmoving like a statue, the bird had probably taken him for a small tree, but all of this was unnoticed by Li fan..


An hour went by as he let out a ferocious roar, the accumulated ice on his body instantly shattered as a cold light flashed in his eyes..

He had broken through to the 5th stage of the body refining realm, his joints cracked as he stretched, he tightened his fist as he felt the huge amount of strength coursing through his bulging veins..

He couldn't help but look at himself strangely, he felt that he was quite handsome!

No homo, of course!

But he felt a lot stronger than he did back on earth, maybe even 30 times stronger..

The blue little bird on Li fan's head was startled and confused as it flew up hastily, it then left after cursing Li fan in its mind, it flew across the forest towards a small nest..


Li fan had noticed he small creature, but he was too excited to even bother with it, plus if he killed it he would only feel bad for killing something so small..

[Ding! Mission completed!

Task: reach the 5th stage of the body refining realm!

Reward: [Lunar-Wave Sword Art], Rank-1 Sword

Time limit: 5 days] a mechanical voice rang throughout his head..

"Finally" Li fan said enthusiastically, he hurriedly opened the system's Inventory page, a small iron sword was noticed in the first box, followed by another skinny book with a hard blue cover.

Li fan impatiently took out the sword first, this was the rank-1 sword he had just gotten from the completed system mission..

He caresses the sharp blades metal enthusiastically, it didn't come with a blade, but that didn't matter to him since he could store it in the system's inventory, it was like the storage rings he had always read about..

Li fan softly placed the sword next to him, as if it would break the moment it touched the ground too hard..

Li fan then clicked on the blue book with characters written on its front.

The book read [lunar-wave Sword Art], the calligraphy didn't look as domineering and overbearing as the heavenly lotus art, but it still released a profound aura..


A small blue book dropped from above Li fan and landed onto his lap, it was the lunar-wave sword art manual..

As he touched the book a notification appeared..

[Ding! Technique detected

Would you like to learn it?


Li fan didn't think much and clicked the yes button, his mind was then flooded by information and even some peculiar scenes..

Li fan could help but imagine himself praising the system as it "sat" on a heavenly throne, all its rewards were amazing, he didn't want to be like those shifty main characters that curse a system for no reason, especially when the system is what made them who they are.

Never the less Li fan felt blessed to have the system, the lunar-wave sword art itself was a profound technique, it complemented his heavenly lotus sword arts cold yin Qi, which meant he would have faster improvements in the sword art than normal people..

The sword art was basically like a technique that should have came with the Heavenly lotus sword art, it increased his yin powers, and also enhanced his sword techniques..

If the technique could be mastered to a crazy level, then it wouldn't be impossible to slice apart a Hill-sized ice berg into two pieces..

[Ding! System mission!!

Task: master the [Lunar-Wave Sword Art]

Reward: random divine beast companion egg

Time limit: 1 week] the system's mechanical voice was heard once again, this time it didn't startle Li fan as much, he was somewhat used to it now

Seeing the system mission he became excited as he looked at the rewards, just the words "divine beast" were sure to make anyone on this planet go crazy.

Li fan happily grabbed the rank-1 sword beside him and went through the new information in his head..

The only way to train the [Lunar-Wave Sword Art] was to practice the sword techniques while using the heavenly lotus art..

The profound energy of the heavenly lotus art would increase the lunar-wave sword arts power by leaps and bounds..

Ice seemed neutral, but at the same time it could be deadly, if Li fan were to master this technique, he wouldn't even be afraid of the martial artists from the village, he had Lon since surpassed his peers and felt as if this place couldn't contain him for long.


Out in the open sun, Li fan tightly clutches his sword as he slashed out, a profound blue-colored energy seemed to wrap around his sword each time he slashed out, the grass below him would blow through the wind and even turn slightly icy from the temperature that was dropping heavily as Li fan cultivated his sword art..

"Wow" Li xiao'er said as she watched her brother execute sword techniques outside, it was as if stars were spinning around in his small eyes, she sat on the bed and watched Li fan cultivate, she smiled lightly as she enthusiastically copied his movements with her small arms...

"I want to learn as well" she said softly, as she watched Li fan.