19: 4-Wing Flood Dragon


The strong winds swept by the huge flying artifact as Li fan and the huge group of people soared towards the sky, he couldn't help but appreciate the scenery below as he sat next to his younger sister..

The flight was very comfortable, Atleast Li fan didn't feel any discomfort, he couldn't say the same about the other new outer disciples though..

"Brother, look at that big bird" Li xiao pointed towards a large crane as it flew next to the huge flying sword, as it it was curious..

"That is one big crane" Li fan exclaimed in shock, the crane would be At least as tall as a human being if it could stand on its legs and raise its wings..


"Hmm, as expected, we ran into trouble" the golden-robes core disciple sighed as he stared off into the distance and felt an aura approaching them..

"Seems like master was right, I would be killed if I didn't bring the core-disciple token" he sighed and had a cold look on his face..


"F*ck, is that a flying snake" an outer disciple suddenly shouted as he nearly jumped into the air, if he did he would've definitely fell off the huge sword..

"Damnit, it's a 4-winged flood dragon" another person said as they looked at the huge S-Shaped figure in the sky..

The golden-robes handsome youth at the tip of the sword pulled out a golden token, it was like the disciple token of the outer disciples, but his gave off a strange light and also seemed to carry a lot of mysterious powers..


The huge flood dragon roared as it ferociously flapped it's huge wings, each flap of its wings were enough to split the sea of clouds and make way for it..

The huge flood dragon continued soaring through the clouds and ignored the humans on the flying artifact, after noticing the golden glow it decided to calm down its cold thoughts, even with its strength, it didn't want to be targeted by the soaring cloud sect, or else not only would it be refined into a treasure, but so would it's offsprings..

The huge 4-winged flood dragons whiskers blew through the wind as it took off at lightning speed, as if it didn't want to be even 100 miles near that golden glow of light..

Li fan noticed the golden disciple token, he couldn't help but admire the sects strength, a huge beast like that only heard of in legends back on earth was actually scared off like a chicken by some beam of light..

Most of the disciples only noticed the flood dragon scurrying off as it disappeared behind a layer of clouds, but some were able to noticed the golden beam of dim light that made the huge small mountain-sized flood dragon retreat instantly.


Next to them, a flock of spiritual cranes did a few turns around them before flying towards a mountain peak that threatened to pierce the heavens..

Li fan was still in deep thought about the flood dragon, he could tell it had definitely transcended the body-refining realm, even the core disciple had a glint of fear in his eyes, yet only the disciple token was able to make the flood dragon disappear as id if hadn't noticed them, it's massive wings were At least 100 meters in length alone, even the winds produced by the Flood dragon's wings would sent Li fa flying miles away..

He subconsciously clenched his fist as he looked towards the direction which the flood-dragon disappeared from, if the core-disciple wasn't here, they would all definitely be dead, and it was even near-impossible to escape alive since they were thousands of meters into the sky.

Li fan wasn't stupid, in a world like this, strength mattered more than anything, even if he had connections to strong powers, it still didn't mean they had the strength to protect themselves, after all someone could still kill them if they didn't fear or didn't care about the power backing the person..

Li fan didn't know how many cultivation realms were in this cultivation world, but he could tell the realm after body-refining was very frightening, and if there was one more above that?

He could help but pale at the unimaginable power he could gain with the help of the system, something that could take others millennium's to do, will be shortened by the system..

Li fan had a look of astonishment as he looked around him, they were floating over many mountain peaks, and he even noticed small flying rocks off in the distance, this was definitely a celestial land of immortal practitioners..

The huge group of new outer-disciples were astonished as they looked around, even those from prominent families or clans couldn't help but become excited while looking at this hidden but heavenly scenery..

The rivers were like long snakes as they trailed across mountain peaks in an "S" shape, the sound of waterfalls filled everyone's ears as they flew past a huge lake, the mystical area was surrounded by clouds, there were even clouds just a hundred meters above ground level, it gave the place an even more mysterious and soothing look.

Li fan stared off into the distance, a huge cluster of heavenly towering mountain peaks could be seen, on these mountain peaks were many buildings, and a huge golden gate which wrote "Soaring cloud Immortal Sect" Li fan noticed it from afar, with his cultivation increasing, his five senses were also improving..

Li fan noticed the huge stone steps leading towards the huge golden gate, not only that, there were many other flying swords coming from many other directions, they were all moving towards the sect, seeing the sect, Li fan's eyes sparkled with a strange light, he was excited and overwhelmed at the same time, it was truly a mystical and spectacular thing to see..

Flying beasts were common as they soared above the sect and disappeared between a huge cluster of clouds, the whole sect was like a small island as clouds circled it slowly.