20: Martial Comprehension Test


The huge flying sword artifact slowly slowed down as they got closer towards the peak of the mountain, Li fan became shocked as he looked below, some outer disciples could be seen training in the forest below, while others seemed to be carrying huge bowls filled with water as they climbed the long steps leading to the sect..

Li fan remembered a scene in a novel, the mc was tasked to carry lots of water daily to the sect since he was an outer disciple..

"F*ck, will I have to carry water too?" Li fan was nearly going mad, he wasn't planning on carrying water for a long time..

One of the older outer-disciple seemed to notice the reluctant gazes of many people, he then decided to say, "don't worry, as long as you can do good in this new-outer disciple test, you will be given a better job, those who don't do good always end up having to carry water" an older outer-disciple said, he seemed to have an evil grin, as if he had already experienced it..

Many people were looking forward to the competition, after all it would determine their work as outer-disciples, even thought they could still listen to the teachings of the elders, no one wanted to carry water.


The huge flying sword seemed to tilt slightly as it flew past the sect..

Many people explained in shock and confusion, why were they passing the sect..

"The competition is being held somewhere else, now just shut up and wait" an older outer disciple released his aura, causing many people to become frightened, Li fan had a calm expression, the aura was like a bite of a mosquito to him..

After passing the sect, the huge flying sword flew to a mountain peak next to the sect, the mountain peak was very flat, and they all noticed a huge stage-like platform.

"Will we be fighting?"

"F*ck we might have to fight"

Many people had weird expressions as they saw the stage, some had large grins as if the competition were in their hands...

The older outer-disciple's all shook their head with a smile, as if they had gotten it all wrong..


The huge flying sword landed onto the flat mountain peak, any other flying swords were seen in the distance approaching the mountain peak..

Li fan and the rest of the people lightly jumped off the flying sword, as if in a hurry, the huge flying sword bursted out with speed and became a blue beam of light as it flew towards the sect..

"Ok, all of you, go stand in front of the stage, the competition will begin shortly after an outer-sect elder gets here" the older outer sect disciples all lined up around the mountain peak and watched the large amount of people line up patiently in front of the huge stage.


It was long before a figure slowly descended from the sky, an old man in a gold-outlined blue robe descended from the sky, the old man had a horse whisk flask as he slowly stroked his long white beard..

The elderly man lightly landed onto the stage, the old man carried a calm but strong aura, this alone was enough to earn respect from the many people around..

Li fan stood at the back of the group of people, Li xiao couldn't join, so she had to stay back..


"I welcome you all to the sect's new outer disciple competition, your rank in this competition will determine your task as an outer disciple, many of you come from poor clans or even prominent families, but none of that matters in the world of immortal cultivators, to truly reach the peak of this lowly realm is as hard as ascending the heavens and befriending a deity, enough to talk!, we will go in order, those called up will showcase their best martial arts technique, not only cultivation matters, martial arts comprehension matters just as much, You there!, come up" the elder said softly and pointed towards the first disciple in the first line..

The disciple was startled and confused at first, but after noticing everyone's gaze, he calmly walked up to the stage..

The old man leaped off the stage as his white hair blew in the wind...

"You have 1 minute to execute your best martial arts technique" the elder said, one minute was more than enough to showcase one's martial art skills, plus there were at least 100 new outer disciples here, excluding the older outer-disciples.

The short black haired youth calmed down, and began to throw out his fists, he hastily changed stances as his martial art technique progressed, his fists were like jets of water as the sound of the air being heavily punched was heard...

The youth calmed his breath and had a calm look on his face, as if he had passed this exam..

"Fail!!, comprehension of a martial arts technique matters a lot more than those flashy moves of yours, you probably can't even execute 30% of that martial art skills full potential" the elder shook his head and pointed towards the side of the stage, signaling the youth to go stay there..

The youth was about to open his mouth to retort, but after noticing the cold haze of the elder he gritted his teeth and walked to the side..

[Ding! System mission

Task: Show your Talent and gain the admiration of the elder

Reward: 1 lucky draw

Time limit: 1 hour] the system's voice was heard in Li fan's head, he exclaimed in surprise, he was a little disappointed at the System reward, but he soon calmed down, even the lucky draws could give him good rewards..

Just like this many new outer-disciples went up and the number of those who had failed shot up crazily, it started to make the other disciples very nervous and stressed by the huge pressure, most of them knew they would definitely be carrying water...