Concealed in the shadows, I berated myself for my sheer foolishness. My eyes fixated on the clandestine scene unfolding before me, where two figures immersed themselves in a frenzy of undressing. My cheeks flushed scarlet, and anticipation caused my breaths to come in short, jagged gasps. Regret gnawed at me, cursing the moment I heeded the advice of that imbecile. If they were to discover my presence, I knew the consequences would be dire – a swift death awaited me. Desperately, I strived to maintain absolute silence, shutting out the passionate moans and plaintive whispers reverberating from above.

Earlier that day

In the earlier hours of the day, a heavy silence hung in the air as my uncle's gaze bore into me. My eyes remained fixed on the ground, avoiding any direct contact with his penetrating eyes.

"From this moment onward, you shall address me as 'father'," he declared, taking a leisurely sip of the tea that the maid had presented to him.

Doubt crept into my voice as I whispered, "But... will anyone actually believe it?"

His response came swift and resolute, "And why would they not? We bear a striking resemblance to one another; you are the spitting image of your mother." His words carried an air of finality.

"You are to heed my every instruction, without question. I shall not tolerate anything less. Additionally, you shall commence military lessons under the tutelage of Lai Er," my uncle announced, his words leaving no room for negotiation. I remained seated, a mere spectator, as he elaborated on the intricacies of the life he had meticulously planned for me.

"Because of your physique," he remarked, motioning towards me, "I had assumed you were better suited to serve as someone's spouse rather than under my authority. However, since you are a man, that option is not viable. Zing ah informed me about the events that occurred on your journey here and how you held your ground."

"Furthermore, the brief incident I stumbled upon earlier convinced me that you possess some value, which pleases me," he stated, rising from his seat and beginning to exit the room before pausing to gaze at me.

"Ah, one more matter to address: your attire is unsuitable for a young master. Please disregard the remainder of your belongings; new garments await you in your quarters. A maid will be assigned to ensure your appearance is always impeccable. He swung the doors open, then turned back to address me.

"Someone will be arriving shortly to guide you to your chambers. I'm sure you must be in need of some rest." he stated, waiting for my response.

"I understand, father," I whispered softly, feeling as though I had betrayed my father with those words. The urge to cry welled up inside me, but I held it back. He gazed at me for another moment before clicking his tongue and exiting the room. I remained there, burdened by a heavy heart and engulfed in sorrow. Lost in my thoughts, I was jolted back to reality by an approaching figure.

"Young master Cai Lung," the person spoke, snapping me out of my reverie. I raised my gaze to see a young woman with her hair neatly braided, clad in a maid's uniform similar to the ones I had seen previously. She offered me a warm smile and bowed her head. "My name is Mai Ling, young master. I have been sent by Master Lu Cai to accompany you to your chambers. The bath has been prepared for you, should you wish to freshen up," she offered, her head still respectfully bowed. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease with such formal treatment.

"I would appreciate a bath," I replied, my voice betraying a hint of exhaustion.

"Very well, young master. Please follow me," she said, gesturing for me to follow her. We made our way out of the room and ventured down the familiar hallway. I recalled glimpses of an open garden as we approached the end, but Mai Ling led me down another corridor, extending the journey. The room we entered had a distinct atmosphere, with its dark brown walls adorned with paintings and the rich scent of polished wood emanating from the dark wooden floors. My gaze immediately fell upon the center of the room, where a black round marble bath stood, filled with inviting warm water.

To my surprise, there were already two maids inside, diligently filling the bath with pails of water. I couldn't help but wonder if they had carried all that water here themselves, their dedication evident in their actions. My eyes scanned the room further, taking note of the new clothes neatly arranged on a nearby table, along with a pair of soft cotton shoes. A black rug lay before the bath, leading towards a set of stairs that hinted at a hidden passage within the room.

Mai Ling gestured for me to approach the bath, her head still bowed respectfully. "Please, young master, make yourself comfortable. Should you require anything else, do not hesitate to ask," she offered quietly. I nodded my gratitude and stepped forward, ready to immerse myself in the soothing warmth of the bath. As the sliding doors closed, I could hear Mai Ling's soft footsteps retreating outside the room, assuring me of her presence just beyond the door. With a sense of tranquility enveloping me, I swiftly undressed, folding my clothes neatly before stepping into the welcoming embrace of the warm bath.

Sighs of contentment escaped my lips as my body succumbed to the soothing waters scented with the delicate fragrance of jasmine. The tension that had built up throughout the day melted away, leaving me in a state of blissful relaxation. I allowed myself to linger, savoring the sensation until the water gradually began to lose its warmth.

Reluctantly, I stepped out of the bath, the cool air enveloping my skin as I reached for a nearby towel to dry myself off. My eyes were drawn to the clothes thoughtfully left for me on the table, a vision of pure white silk that beckoned me. As I ran my fingers across the fabric, a sense of luxury and elegance filled the room.

With deliberate care, I slipped into the immaculate attire, marveling at the softness of the silk against my skin. The clothes seemed to mold perfectly to my frame, accentuating my features in a way I had never experienced before. I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude for the meticulous attention to detail that had been taken in preparing this room and its offerings.

Feeling rejuvenated and adorned in the finest attire, I took a moment to gather myself before opening the sliding doors, ready to face whatever lay beyond.