Sue Lin led me to the room she had prepared after my soothing bath. As the door swung open, I stood in awe of its vastness. The room boasted an enormous bed adorned with cascading silk covers that draped elegantly from the top, enveloping all four sides and gracefully touching the floor. The floor itself was blanketed in plush white fur, adding a touch of luxury to the space. Positioned in each corner opposite the entrance were two inviting sitting chairs, while a table and chair stood proudly in the center.

Taking a seat in one of the chairs, I patiently observed Sue Lin as she meticulously prepared the bed. With delicate movements, she pulled back the covers and skillfully tied one end of the ethereal silk curtain that encircled the bed. Stepping back, she gestured for me to lie down, her kind eyes brimming with warmth.

Grateful that this wasn't another arduous process, I sank into the chair, feeling the fatigue of my long journey creeping up on me.

I approached the bed and settled myself, carefully undoing the braid that held my hair. Once my locks were free, I surrendered myself to the embrace of the most luxuriously soft bed I had ever encountered. As I nestled my head against the plush headrest, a wave of drowsiness swept over me, gradually eclipsing my senses.

Sue Lin tenderly draped the covers over my weary body, ensuring my comfort. With a gentle touch, she released the knot in the surrounding silk curtain. The sound of her movements echoed faintly in the room as she went about extinguishing each source of light.

"Goodnight, young master," her voice reached me from a distance, carrying a soothing tone that further lulled me into the realm of dreams.

As my eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness, the faint sound of giggling reached my ears, interrupting my groggy state. Confusion and a tinge of unease crept over me. Who was in the room with me? And why were they laughing?

A voice spoke again, urging someone to wake me up. Panic began to simmer within me as my eyes gradually focused on the dimly lit surroundings. I rubbed my eyes, trying to clear away the remnants of sleep, desperately attempting to make sense of the situation.

"Look, he's waking up. Happy now?" The voice taunted, sending a chill down my spine. Something was definitely amiss, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. A surge of adrenaline coursed through me, replacing the remnants of drowsiness.

With a sudden jolt, I sat up in bed, my mind racing to piece together the fragments of reality. The realization hit me like a thunderbolt. I was in Dragon House, the grand palace where my uncle resided. Relief washed over me momentarily as I remembered my location, but the darkness and the presence of unknown individuals still weighed heavily on my mind.

Straining my eyes, I scanned the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of the figures responsible for the eerie atmosphere. However, my gaze met only darkness, leaving me with more questions than answers. "Are you awake, Ge?" echoed a familiar voice, stirring me from my slumber.

"What do you want, En Lai?" I retorted, my displeasure evident in my tone.

"I've come to give you the tour, as Father requested. Second brother and I are here to accompany you. So, get up and let's go," he said, his presence irking me.

I couldn't help but think, is he out of his mind? "It's the middle of the night," I muttered, still groggy from sleep. I had endured enough of his games for one evening.

"So what?" he scoffed. "It's the perfect time to explore, or is the timid countryside fool too afraid of a little nocturnal adventure? Come on, Jun, I knew he'd be boring. Let's go," he said, addressing the silent figure who had been present but hadn't uttered a word.

"Do you really think so?" he asked En Lai. "You promised he would join us and have a good time."

"If he doesn't want to befriend us, what am I supposed to do?" En Lai retorted. However, I couldn't shake off this strange feeling that En Lai wasn't interested in being friends with me. There was something fishy going on, and I was determined to uncover the truth. Maybe Jun could be the friend I've been hoping for, I pondered.

"Alright, count me in," I agreed, reluctantly leaving my comfortable bed. "But seriously, where's the light? I can't see a thing."

"We're trying to sneak out here, and you want to bring a light to attract the guards? Are you out of your mind?" En Lai snapped, clearly displeased. "Nobody bothered to inform me that we were planning to sneak around," I retorted, my voice laced with annoyance. My hair danced against my skin as I swiftly stood up, realizing that there was no time to braid it. I fumbled around and managed to find my cotton shoes, hastily slipping my feet into them. The sound of sliding doors echoed through the room, and a faint glimmer of light spilled in, illuminating the space ever so slightly. Jun cautiously poked his head out of the room, glancing in both directions before signaling for us to follow. As we stealthily made our way through the corridors, I couldn't help but question the purpose of this secretive tour. It didn't feel right, but curiosity got the better of me, and I continued to tag along with the group.

There was an undeniable thrill in sneaking around, something I had never experienced before. Being confined to home with Mu Quin meant I rarely had the opportunity to engage in such activities. As we ventured further, the passage of time became lost on me, and after what seemed like half an hour, En Lai and Jun came to a halt in front of a closed gate.

Taking a moment to survey my surroundings, I noticed a beautiful garden beyond the gate, adorned with softly glowing lanterns. The structure of the building exuded a sense of delicate elegance, a stark contrast to the heavily guarded Dragon House. This place felt different, almost ethereal in nature. I felt a knot tighten in my stomach as En Lai placed his arm around my shoulder and spoke with an unsettling smirk on his face. Something was definitely off, and my unease grew with each passing second.

Trying to regain my composure, I stammered, "What do you mean? What's going on?"

En Lai's response only added to my confusion. He mentioned that this place was every man's dream and that he wanted to share it with me because I was his Ge. His words felt cryptic, and the smirk on his face sent shivers down my spine.

Before I could gather my thoughts and question him further, Jun interjected, reminding En Lai about the impending arrival of the guards. It was clear that time was running out, and whatever they had planned, it needed to happen quickly.

Torn between curiosity and apprehension, I stood there, unsure of what to do next. En Lai's words hit me like a punch to the gut. His request became clear, and it made my stomach churn. Retrieving something from his majesty harem? The implications were unsettling, to say the least.

I couldn't fathom why En Lai couldn't do it himself or why he felt the need to involve me. The way he casually touched my hair and dismissed my concerns only intensified my unease. Was he using me as a pawn in some twisted game?

My instinct screamed at me to refuse, to walk away from this disturbing situation. But I couldn't ignore the weight of being part of the family now. The pressure to prove myself, the fear of showing weakness. It all weighed heavily on my shoulders.

Despite my inner turmoil, I gathered the courage to ask En Lai once more, "What exactly am I supposed to retrieve from there?"

En Lai sighed, clearly impatient with my reluctance. His gaze shifted to Jun, searching for support or encouragement. I looked at Jun, hoping to find some sense of reason or compassion in his eyes.

But as I met Jun's gaze, it became evident that he, too, was complicit in whatever dark scheme they had concocted. Disappointment and betrayal washed over me, and I knew I had to make a decision. "Listen, Jun, I already had my doubts about him. I thought we could rely on him, thinking we were like blood brothers. But it seems weakness flows through his veins, just like his father."

I couldn't hold back my frustration any longer, and my voice raised as I confronted him. "Stop! I'll handle it. I'm not a coward," I declared firmly. "My father was anything but a coward, and I will prove it. Tell me what I need to do."

He smirked and responded, "Oh, it's nothing too difficult, dear first brother. Just sneak into the royal concubine's chamber and take a token from her room. Grab the jade ring she always wears on her left finger," he instructed. "Now, follow my lead. "My own foolishness had trapped me in this predicament. Deep down, I knew he was deceiving me, but his words about my father struck a nerve that clouded my judgment. As the sounds from above grew louder, I attempted to retreat, realizing my mistake.

Suddenly, a small "bump" echoed through the space, catching the attention of a female voice. Panic flooded my thoughts as I realized I had accidentally bumped into something beneath me. "Please, don't let them find me. Please," I silently pleaded, shutting my eyes tightly. Unaware of their discovery, I only became aware when a voice broke the silence.

"Seems like one of my little flowers enjoys watching," a deep voice declared, prompting my eyes to snap open. Before me stood an incredibly handsome man, so captivating that I could hardly believe my eyes.

"Oh, mighty Buddha, I am surely doomed," I whispered in fear, my voice trembling. To my surprise, the god-like figure smirked in response to my words.