Seated upon the royal throne, I found myself accompanied by the esteemed Empress Dowager, attentively listening to the tax eunuch as he presented his detailed accounts. Adorned in my customary garments, a regal tonic, I opted to wear a delicately beaded veil, gracefully concealing my countenance in accordance with the court's protocol.

"The year has bestowed its blessings upon us, Huang Shang," the eunuch continued, his voice resonating with a sense of accomplishment. "The farmers have been favored with an abundant harvest, leading to a fruitful tax collection."

Engrossed in the eunuch's report, I remained seated, my senses heightened as a servant girl gracefully approached, kneeling before me with a tray adorned with fragrant tea. Acknowledging her presence, I raised my hand in a gentle gesture, inviting her closer. With utmost humility, she maintained her head bowed as she carefully placed the tea upon the table beside me. Afterward, she gracefully moved towards Empress Dowager, kneeling before her, awaiting permission to approach.

"That will be all, Eunuch Mai Hai," I commanded firmly, interrupting his recitation of the seemingly endless list. He immediately ceased, bowing his head in respect. "You are dismissed," I informed him, allowing him to leave the hall.

"Shi, Huang Shang," Eunuch Mai Hai responded, his hands clasped together in a reverent gesture, head still bowed. Slowly, he backed out of the hall, the grand doors swinging open to accommodate his exit before closing behind him.

Shifting my attention to the man kneeling before me, I acknowledged his presence with a single word.


"Greetings, Huang Shang," the general responded, his head still bowed in deference. "The situation with the Mongrels is being closely monitored. We have established our camp in the western territory and dispatched scouts and spies to gather intelligence on their movements, your majesty."

Curiosity piqued, I inquired further, "And what have you learned thus far?"

The general raised his head slightly, meeting my gaze. "I am currently in the process of developing a strategy to effectively attack, your majesty. The information gathered by our scouts and spies will be crucial in determining the best course of action."

I pondered on the Mongolians, observing how they pillaged the villages along the western regions and arrogantly proclaimed themselves as rulers. They were gradually evolving into a significant predicament, much like a group of unruly mongrels.

"Ensure that you swiftly and prominently resolve this issue, General. I am not yet inclined to engage in a conflict with the southern forces," I expressed with determination.

"However, should you uncover evidence of their collaboration with the Mongolians in their relentless assaults on my domain, I will not hesitate to wage war against them. I shall obliterate any obstacle that lies in my path." I conveyed this message sternly to the General. "Do you comprehend the gravity of my words, General?"

The general bowed once again, acknowledging my command. "Yes, your majesty. I will ensure that our forces are fully prepared to face the enemy."

"I perceive that there is a new addition to your household," I remarked to him.

"Yes, Your Majesty. It is true. I have taken in my son, Cai Lung Er. His mother is not suitable to raise my potential heir, Your Majesty," he responded.

"Should he choose to serve in my army, I am certain our paths will cross in the future. You are dismissed," I gestured with a wave of my hand, signaling him to leave. With his head respectfully bowed, he rose and backed out of the room. As soon as he departed, I rose from the throne, feeling the weariness in my body from sitting in that chair all day.

I turned my gaze towards the woman seated beside me, my mother, who had always been distant and cold towards me. She had raised me to become emperor, but I could sense her disdain for my father and his offspring, which included me.

"I, too, must take my leave, imperial mother," I informed her. She lowered her head in a respectful bow from her seat.

"May the sun shine upon you, Your Majesty," her response pierced the air with her signature frosty demeanor. The court was no longer a place where I desired her presence. The wheels had been set in motion to relocate her from the grand palace, relegating her to the western abode where she could bask in isolation to her heart's content.

As I departed the regal chamber, a somber realization washed over me - darkness had already blanketed the world beyond. The entire day had been devoted to court affairs, with a solitary pause only for a hasty lunch. Eunuch Huang si ling trailed behind me, his presence unobtrusive yet steadfast. His voice broke the silence, respectfully seeking an audience.

"May I humbly seek Your Majesty's consent to address you?" He politely asked.

"Please, go ahead," I granted him permission, my voice tinged with a touch of exhaustion.

"Your bath has been prepared, and your evening meal awaits your presence. Where would you prefer to enjoy your repast, Your Majesty?" He dutifully inquired.

"Has Concubine Ling Er partaken of her nourishment yet?" I inquired, my thoughts drifting towards the recent addition to my harem.

"No, Your Majesty." He asked, "Shall I attend to flipping her plaques today?"

Holding a tray adorned with plaques bearing the names of all the concubines, I examined the one belonging to Concubine Ling. With a slight nod, I handed it over to Eunuch Si Ling.

As I sat across from Ling Er during dinner, I couldn't help but admire her captivating beauty. Amongst all the women in the Flower Blossom Harem, she held a special place in my heart.

"If you continue to gaze at me without partaking in your meal, Your Majesty, you will lack the energy to fulfill your desires," she remarked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. I chuckled at her playful remark. Ling Er, at the tender age of 18, had captured my attention during my visit to the West with her quick wit and intelligence. Unlike the others, she did not blindly submit to my every command. It was this defiance that initially caught my eye and has continued to hold my attention ever since.

"Do you think her lady will understand my intentions?" I inquire, a mischievous grin playing on my lips. I lock eyes with her, and in an instant, her cheeks flush a delicate shade of pink. She's enchanting, I ponder silently, and without uttering another word, I stride purposefully towards her, capturing her rosy lips with my own. A gasp escapes her, and I cautiously explore her mouth with my tongue, testing her response. Pulling away momentarily, I gaze into her blushing face.

"Shall we retire to your private chambers?" I whisper seductively in her ear. Assisting her out of her seat, I guide her through the grand halls and across the sprawling gardens towards the secluded sanctuary of blooming flowers. The eunuch posted at the entrance bow respectfully as soon as they spotted us, swiftly granting us entrance. As we step into the sanctuary, a procession of maids trails behind us, ready to attend to her every need. Upon arriving at her chamber door, I turn towards the maids and dismiss them with a wave of my hand.

"I kindly requested that no one disturb us until morning," I stated, observing as they lowered their heads obediently. As soon as we closed the doors behind us, they discreetly left the room.

With a gentle tug, I untied the knot of her garments, allowing them to gracefully slide down her shoulder and cascade onto the floor. She stood before me, vulnerable and bare. My hands delicately cupped her soft breasts, eliciting a soft moan to escape her parted lips.

Carefully lifting her body, I placed her tenderly upon the bed, positioning myself between her willingly spread legs. Engulfing her nipple with my lips, I skillfully teased the sensitive peaks with my tongue. The sounds of her pleasure grew louder, echoing throughout the room, as our intimate connection intensified.

"Did you hear that?" Ling Er questioned, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Hush," I whispered, my senses on high alert. There was a faint sound, something that caught my attention. Slipping off the bed, I knelt down and peered beneath, preparing myself for the unexpected. And unexpected it was, for what lay beneath was a creature of otherworldly beauty.

My initial thoughts were captivated by the sight before me. He had his eyes tightly shut, as if desperately hoping to remain hidden and undiscovered.

"What's that noise?" Ling Er's voice drifted down to me in a hushed tone. Lost in my thoughts, I had completely forgotten about her presence above me. My gaze fixated on the mesmerizing intruder, oblivious to the fact that she had been discovered. A mischievous smile crept onto my face as I decided to reveal my presence.

"It seems like one of my little flowers enjoys observing," I remarked. In an instant, her eyes flew open, a mixture of both admiration and fear reflected in them. I couldn't help but smirk, wondering why my concubine would be afraid of being caught witnessing my moments of pleasure. "Oh, I'm in big trouble," she whispered to herself, realizing the consequences. With a subtle gesture, I invited her to emerge from her hiding place.

With a beckoning gesture, he motioned for me to come out from my hiding place. Reluctantly, I obeyed, fully aware that it was the emperor who had discovered me. No other man would dare to lay with his royal concubine. My luck had been waning ever since I left Fu Shang. I should have pleaded with Mu Quin, my mother, not to send me away so forcefully

If only I had done so, perhaps I wouldn't be facing such a dire fate. I knew deep down that my seventeenth summer would never come to pass. I silently prayed to Buddha for assistance in this moment of desperation. Resigned to my destiny, I began to crawl out from under the hiding spot, finally standing up to face the emperor and the inevitable path that lay ahead.

"Mu Quin," I thought to myself, "it seems that I shall be reunited with Father much sooner than anticipated."