Cai Lungs head remained bowed, unable to comprehend the unexpected response from the emperor. He had anticipated punishment, not forgiveness. The emperor's words confused him further, questioning why Cai Lung would be afraid of witnessing his indulgences and assuring him that there was no shame in it. It was a perspective that Cai Lung had never considered.

As the emperor continued speaking, his words struck Cai Lung with a mix of surprise and discomfort. The emperor asked if Cai Lung's "flower" had been "plucked" yet, expressing a lack of recognition for Cai Lung's face but implying a familiarity with his beauty. Cai Lung's mind raced, trying to understand the emperor's intentions and the implications of his words.

Cai Lung's heart pounded in his chest as he mustered the courage to respond, choosing his words carefully.

"Your Majesty, I am but a humble servant. I have yet to experience such a privilege." he replied, his voice trembling slightly.

Though Cai Lung's words were respectful, a sense of unease settled within him. The emperor's unexpected behavior and suggestive remarks left him unsure of what was to come and how he should navigate this new territory.

Cai Lung's embarrassment deepened as he realized that the emperor had mistaken him for one of his concubines. The shock of the situation made it difficult for Cai Lung to find his voice, and he struggled to comprehend the emperor's intentions.

His heart sank further when the emperor addressed Lady Ling Er, instructing her to leave the room. Cai Lung's mind raced, trying to make sense of the emperor's words. The realization dawned upon him that the emperor intended to pursue his advances towards Cai Lung, mistaking him for someone else entirely.

Fear and confusion gripped Cai Lung, unsure of how to react or what to say. He felt a sense of vulnerability and discomfort, realizing that he was caught in a delicate and potentially dangerous situation. As Lady Ling Er quietly left the room, Cai Lung's thoughts were filled with uncertainty and apprehension about what was to come next.

As she departed, a heavy silence settled between him and the emperor, causing Cai's heart to thump violently in his chest. Panic consumed him as he desperately chanted in his mind, "What do I do? What do I do?" The suffocating stillness became unbearable.

Interrupting his thoughts, the emperor's deep voice resonated, pulling Cai back to reality. "Will you not respond to my inquiry?" he demanded.

"Are you a newcomer to the flower house?" the emperor asked again, observing Cai's lack of response. His gaze shifted to the trembling girl before him, clearly intimidated by his presence. Cai Lung remained silent, unsure of how to respond. If he spoke, the emperor might realize that he was, in fact, a boy. Cai desperately clung to the hope that if the emperor continued to perceive him as a woman, he might still have a chance to escape.

"Respond immediately, girl!" the emperor's voice thundered, commanding obedience.

Caught in the gaze of the formidable ruler, Cai's eyes filled with a mixture of fear and pleading. Realizing that the emperor's patience was waning, he mustered the courage to reply, his voice barely audible.

"Yes, your majesty," Cai Lung responded meekly, his heart pounding with anxiety. "I am new here."

He didn't technically lie to the emperor, Cai thought to himself, except for the fact that he had yet to correct the emperor's assumption that he was a girl. Fearful of the consequences that may follow, Cai remained silent about his true identity.

The emperor's command pierced the air once again, demanding Cai's full attention. Reluctantly, Cai lifted his head, his eyes meeting the gaze of the man who seemed to radiate an otherworldly aura. The room was dimly lit, but Cai could still make out the man's striking profile. Seated in a chair on the other side of the room, the emperor's robe was partially open, revealing his tanned, muscular chest.

His elbow rested on the armrest, and his head leaned to one side, supported by his open hand. Cascades of black hair fell over his shoulders and down his back, adding to his captivating appearance. In his hand, he held a cup, but his intense gaze never wavered as he locked eyes with Cai Lun.

Caught in the emperor's arresting stare, Cai couldn't help but think, Oh, he is truly breathtaking. "So, this is what the emperor looks like," Cai whispered under his breath, his voice barely audible. He suddenly became aware that he had been staring at the emperor for an uncomfortably long time, and quickly averted his eyes from the man's body to his face. To his dismay, Cai noticed a knowing smirk playing on the emperor's lips, as if he had caught Cai in the act of admiring him.

Cai Lung felt a sense of unease wash over him as he continued to meet the emperor's intense gaze. There was something in those eyes, something unsettling that made Cai's instincts scream at him to flee, to escape from this room and never look back. The emperor's gaze held him captive, trapping him within its piercing intensity.

Fear and apprehension coursed through Cai's veins as he struggled to break free from the emperor's gaze. The desire to run to the other end of the continent, to be as far away from this man as possible, grew stronger within him. But for now, he could only hope to maintain his composure and withstand the emperor's scrutiny.

"Come here," the emperor commanded, his tone leaving no room for disobedience. I felt a surge of fear grip me, causing me to shake my head in a frantic 'no' as I took a step back. The realization of the danger I was in washed over me, intensifying my sense of unease.

However, my refusal seemed to only further provoke the emperor. His expression hardened, and with a determined stride, he began closing the distance between us. Panic surged through me as I pleaded with him, my voice trembling.

"P-please, your highness, I don't belong here," I stammered, desperately trying to reason with him. But he only smirked, disregarding my words as he continued his relentless approach. The space between us grew smaller, and I could feel his presence overwhelming me.

"P-please, I'm not one of them," I pleaded, my voice now tinged with desperation. But my words seemed to fall on deaf ears as the emperor stood directly in front of me, his hand reaching out towards me.

My heart raced, and in that moment, I muttered a prayer to Buddha, seeking solace and protection. But before I could comprehend what was happening, everything went dark, and I was left in a state of uncertainty and fear.

He caught her just as she started to crumble, her body giving out from fear and exhaustion. Holding her gently in his arms, he felt a strange mix of amusement and concern. Her extreme reaction to him puzzled him, but he couldn't help but find it somewhat entertaining.

As he laid her down on his bed, he couldn't help but notice the thinness of her white silk sleeping tunic. With a delicate touch, he adjusted the fabric, unintentionally revealing a glimpse of her fair, delicate skin. It was a fleeting moment, but it caught his attention.

Taking a step back, Mu Yang allowed himself to appreciate the sight before him. However, his admiration quickly turned to shock. Instead of the woman he had expected, lying before him was a young boy, his features delicate and ethereal, reminiscent of a porcelain doll.

Confusion washed over Mu Yang as he realized his mistake. His initial intentions had been misguided, and he now found himself questioning his own desires. The unexpected presence of this young boy brought forth a wave of unexpected emotions and a newfound uncertainty.