Chapter 15 p

Cai Lung stood next to the horses outside the palace, while two guards kept a watchful eye on him, awaiting the arrival of the emperor. He paid no mind to his bodyguards, his attention solely fixed on the towering gate that stood before him, towering over seven feet tall. When he had earlier exited the palace and laid eyes upon the immense structure, all hopes and notions of escaping had been crushed in that very moment. Not even the Dragon House Gate was as imposing as this. He pondered on what he had expected, realizing that every precaution had been taken to safeguard the emperor, and this colossal gate was just one of many measures in place.

Cai Lung let out a sigh and tore his gaze away from the entrance, instead taking in his surroundings. If the circumstances were different, he might have found joy in living within and exploring the palace grounds. He had to admit to himself that the palace was truly a breathtaking place. After the eunuch had hurriedly ushered him away earlier, he was taken to a room that was supposedly his. The eunuch had stood there, vigilant and watchful of his every move. Orders were given for maids to attend to Cai Lung, washing and oiling his skin. The only respite from the eunuch's watchful eyes came when the eunuch left to prepare his clothes.

However, the relief that washed over him as the man departed quickly dissipated when he unexpectedly reappeared, bearing the attire he wished for Cai Lung to don. Cai Lung studied the outfit meticulously, his gaze eventually locking onto the man's piercing stare. "Am I destined for the battlegrounds, or am I merely a pawn to be paraded and showcased for his highness?" Cai Lung questioned with a hint of frustration in his voice.

"You must maintain an impeccable appearance before the emperor, regardless of the situation or purpose," the eunuch declared curtly before turning away to collect his meal from a passing maid, signifying the end of their conversation. Cai Lung proceeded to don the exquisite attire, a mesmerizing Hanfu crafted from white and blue silk adorned with delicate patterns of blue flowers. The fabric cascaded gracefully to the ground, accompanied by matching silk pants that lay snugly beneath. As Cai Lung adorned himself in the ensemble, he reveled in the luxurious feel of the silk against his skin, appreciating its lightweight and delicate nature 

clad in the opulent golden armor adorned with the Emperor's crest and intricately carved dragons. However, the weight of the armor pressed against his limbs, constricting his movements and making him feel incredibly uneasy. Cai Lung had never worn armor before, nor did he ever anticipate needing to. As he stood there, feeling like a helpless child, maids attended to him, feeding him with gentle care while others meticulously adjusted and fastened the armor. He was forbidden to touch anything, his every action dictated by those around him.

Once the maids had completed their task, Cai Lung was escorted outside, the weight of the armor weighing heavily upon him. The golden plates gleamed under the sunlight, reflecting his discomfort. He walked cautiously, acutely aware of the restrictive nature of the armor. Every step felt cumbersome and unnatural, as if he were encased in an unfamiliar world.

As Cai Lung stood among the horses, waiting for his highness to arrive, he couldn't help but fidget and squirm within his uncomfortable armor. His gaze wandered, observing the flurry of activity around him. Maids scurried back and forth, attending to various tasks, while eunuchs carried out their duties with precision and efficiency.

A deep sense of unease coursed through Cai Lung's veins, the weight of the armor serving as a constant reminder of his constrained existence within the palace walls. He yearned to break free from this cursed place to escape the clutches of an evil king and find his own path in life. If donning this ridiculous outfit and following the tyrant into battle provided him with the chance to seize his freedom, he would not let it pass him by.

With determination burning in his eyes, Cai Lung vowed to make the most of this opportunity, to turn the tables on his oppressors and forge his own destiny. He would endure the discomfort, the ridicule, and the uncertainty, all in the pursuit of his ultimate goal—to break free from the chains that bound him and reclaim his autonomy.

As Cai Lung walked along the western side, a familiar voice pierced the air, causing him to turn his body towards the sound. Surprised, he wondered who could possibly know his name after being in the palace for only a day. He assumed that only a select few would recognize him, but perhaps he was wrong. Maybe every single person within these grand walls was aware of his presence, the boy held in high regard by the king.

Letting out a weary sigh, Cai Lung shifted his gaze towards the wooden bridge. There, he spotted Zing Ah gracefully crossing over, making his way towards him. A warm smile instantly spread across Cai Lung's face upon seeing his faithful companion, the one who had been by his side for the longest time.

Cai Lung's heart skipped a beat as he caught sight of Zing Ah's familiar face. Memories of their shared travels from Fu Shang to the palace flooded his mind, and a smile effortlessly graced his lips. He longed to move and meet Zing Ah halfway, but his escorts stood as barriers, blocking his path.

Meanwhile, Zing Ah spotted the strikingly beautiful boy he had once escorted from Fu Shang to the palace. He was on his way to inform the general that the very same boy had gone missing. Earlier, as Zing Ah prepared to depart for the battlefield as the second in command, a maid rushed to him with news of the boy's disappearance. The commotion in the manner had caught his attention, and he couldn't help but worry about the boy he had been unable to stop thinking about all night.

Zing Ah hurriedly made his way to En Lai, knowing that En Lai had never been fond of the boy from the moment he had laid eyes on his beauty. Zing Ah himself was not immune to the boy's captivating appearance, but what truly drew him to the lad was the unexpected display of strength and skill during their encounter with the bandits. Zing Ah had been taken aback, for he had initially believed the delicate, crying boy he was escorting to be nothing more than a pretty face meant for entertainment.

But Zing Ah had been mistaken in his judgment of Cai Lung. When he witnessed the boy's fighting skills, something within Zing Ah stirred, and he found himself contemplating this newfound revelation throughout the night. When Zing Ah finally located En Lai, he discovered him calmly sipping tea in his room. Upon seeing En Lai, Zing Ah sensed that this troublemaker held knowledge regarding Cai Lung's disappearance.

"Where is Cai Lung?"

 Zing Ah demanded, his voice firm. En Lai took his time, giving Zing Ah a pointed look, holding his head high in a pretense of innocence. Zing Ah was not convinced for a second. Folding his arms across his chest, he locked eyes with En Lai, searching for any sign of deceit in his gaze, prepared to call out the lies that were about to escape his lips.

"Why are you asking me? How should I know where my dear brother ran off to? I was not made to be his keeper,"

 En Lai responded, feigning innocence as he avoided Zing Ah's gaze. He knew that if he didn't play his part well, Zing Ah would see through him. That stupid idiot didn't return last night after he went into the Flower House. We waited, but when the guards returned, we panicked and left. I even went there early this morning to see if I could find him, and there was a commotion coming from inside. I got nervous, thinking maybe the idiot got caught. We've been on high alert since morning, knowing that it would bring death upon us if it were discovered that we had attempted to spy on the emperor's concubine.

En Lai and the other boy could only hope and pray that the idiot had managed to escape safely. They never intended for the situation to escalate like this; their initial plan was merely to scare him a little. En Lai had instructed the other boy to pretend that he hadn't left the manor the previous night and to hide the clothes they had worn. Since then, they had remained confined to their rooms, not venturing out for anything.

Zing Ah, however, could sense that something was amiss. He could feel that there was something fishy about the situation.

"Considering that no one has any knowledge or sight of Cai Lung since he retired for the night, this situation is of utmost importance. Your father is currently engaged in a crucial meeting with the emperor."

 " I shall intrude upon their conversation, knowing well how your father appreciates interruptions." We will see what happens to you."

Zing Ah left Lai Er to ponder his actions and ventured towards the western section of the area. Upon reaching the bridge, he finally caught sight of the boy they had been searching for all morning.

Zing Ah couldn't help but wonder why the boy was present within the confines of the palace entrance, clad in attire reminiscent of a warrior about to engage in battle. The delicate features and slender figure of the boy created a striking contrast against the armor, transforming it into a captivating spectacle upon his frame. Zing Ah called out to him, hoping to capture his attention amidst the bustling surroundings.