"Make way,"

Zing Ah commanded, his voice cutting through the air with authority as he faced the obstructing guard.

"By what right do you dare to impede my progress? How dare you treat the general's son as a common criminal?" he questioned.

A voice replied from behind him, "Under my authority."

As Zing Ah turned, his eyes widened at the presence of their emperor, standing tall and majestic in his resplendent golden armor, a sword gleaming by his side. The guards, overwhelmed by his grandeur, immediately dropped to their knees, their emperor resembling a deity of war.

With his five generals standing behind him, the emperor stood before them, radiating an aura of authority. Behind the generals stood the formidable army of General Lu Tian, numbering in the thousands. The guards, realizing the immense power commanded by their god-like emperor, bowed their heads low in reverence.

"Lieutenant Zing Ah."

the emperor's voice sent a cold chill through the air, clearly displeased with the disrespect shown by the man's failure to kneel before him.

Zing Ah's body crumbled to the ground, his knees collapsing beneath him as he regained his senses. His heart skipped a beat as he realized he stood before the illustrious emperor himself. "Please, your majesty, forgive my insolence.

"I was utterly unaware of your presence and had no intention of undermining your commands." he pleaded, his voice quivering with remorse.

"The general's son was missing all morning, and when I stumbled upon him here, he was guarded heavily, your majesty. I feared for his safety. However you deem fit to punish me, my emperor, I accept it willingly."

Zing Ah rushed through his words in a desperate attempt to capture the emperor's attention, hoping that by doing so, he could spare Lung Er from whatever he had done to earn the emperor's wrath

Zing Ah remained prostrated on the ground, his forehead pressed against the earth. He dared not raise his head until the emperor issued his command. However, the words that escaped the emperor's lips stirred a mix of emotions within Zing Ah.

Jealousy and perhaps even a hint of resentment flickered within him towards the man he would willingly sacrifice his life for.

Wu Yang observed the loyal subject bowing before him. He had elevated Zing Ah to the rank of lieutenant under General Lu's command after witnessing his triumph over the northeastern mongrels with a mere hundred soldiers.

The emperor had instructed the other generals to have Zing Ah report directly to him for this war, intending to keep him close. The idea of appointing him as the next general had even crossed the emperor's mind, given the man's exceptional fighting skills and profound knowledge of warfare. A chuckle escaped Wu Yang's lips as he observed how they all trembled in his presence.

Zing Ah's heart palpitated with a mixture of relief and curiosity as Wu Yang assured him that there was no need for apologies.

The emperor's words piqued his interest further, as he mentioned that Cai Lun, whom Zing Ah had assumed was being guarded for his own safety, was actually under Wu Yang's protection for a different purpose. The emperor's tone carried a warning, indicating that further inquiries would not be tolerated. Zing Ah, though filled with questions, knew better than to press the matter.

He understood that there were secrets and plans beyond his comprehension. With a lowered head, he silently acknowledged the emperor's command and resolved to focus on his duty, trusting in Wu Yang's wisdom and leadership.

Zing Ah felt a surge of adrenaline course through his veins as the emperor's words filled the air. The passion and determination in Wu Yang's voice ignited a fire within every soldier present.

They were not just fighting for themselves but for the honor and prosperity of the Wu Empire. As the emperor turned to address his generals and army, Zing Ah stood tall among his comrades, ready to march into battle.

The words "16th Jade Emperor" echoed in his mind, reminding him of the lineage and strength that flowed through their veins. He felt a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that their ancestors and the emperor himself were watching over them.

The emperor's proclamation made it clear that they were not just fighting to reclaim their land but to assert their dominance and rid themselves of those who dared challenge their rule. Zing Ah's heart swelled with determination and loyalty as he chanted alongside his fellow soldiers. "Long live the Emperor!"

With their spirits united and the emperor leading the charge, they set off towards the battlefield, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The determination in their hearts and the righteousness of their cause propelled them forward, knowing that victory awaited them. They would fight for their people, their empire, and their rightful dragon lord, ready to make history on this fateful day.

As Wu Yang pivoted away from the group, he strode purposefully towards his horse. Along the way, he firmly grasped Cai Lun's hand, urging him to follow. Reaching his majestic steed, the emperor gracefully mounted its back. With a subtle gesture, he beckoned a nearby guard to approach, who respectfully bowed his head.

"Assist him," Wu Yang instructed the guard, pointing towards Cai Lun. A surge of disbelief filled Cai Lun's eyes as he comprehended the emperor's intent. "Wh-what?" he stuttered, his voice trembling. "Absolutely not. I refuse..."

As Cai Lun gingerly stepped back from the horse, he couldn't hide the disbelief in his voice, "You actually expect me to share a horse with you?" His finger trembled as he pointed directly at Wu Yang, his face turning scarlet upon realizing that the emperor wanted him to sit in front.

"Have you no sense of shame? You shameless individual..." A gasp escaped from the spectators behind him, but Cai Lun paid no attention.

There was absolutely no chance he would allow himself to be subjected to that man's wandering hands during their journey. "Absolutely not, I refuse!" he exclaimed, taking yet another step backward. Wu Yang, his eyes narrowing, commanded, "Detain him!"