He had me pinned beneath him, and I fought against his grip until exhaustion overcame me. My body went limp, my breath ragged from the struggle. I locked my lifeless eyes onto his burning gaze.

"Are you finished, or do you want to go another round?" he whispered, his tongue teasing my bottom lip.

I attempted to bite down, but he moved his head away, chuckling. "Not yet." He said, brushing my hair away from my face.

"Don't worry, I'll make you beg for me eventually."

I snapped at him, disgusted, but my body betrayed me in our compromising position. Blushing, I looked away as he pressed his body against my hardened manhood.

"Your words contradict your actions." he trailed off, running his hand along my heated flesh. He leaned down and licked my nipple, and I bit my lip to stifle any sounds.

"Cai Lung, if only you could see yourself. Your desire is ripe and waiting for me." he said, flicking my swollen nipple with his fingers.

I moaned when he began massaging my sensitive buds, and he whispered into my ear.

"That's it, Lung Er. Let me hear your cries of pleasure." Every touch of his hands sent shivers down my spine. He moved his hands away from my buds and gripped my manhood, using his finger to collect the glistening fluid at the tip. I hissed in ecstasy, and he smiled, licking his lips. With a lust-filled husky voice, he said.

"You taste like honey."

He removed his hanfu, revealing his sculpted chest, and released his hair from its knot. He moved off my thighs and held my legs in place, preventing me from kicking him away. He took each foot in his hands and forcefully spread them apart, settling himself between them. I struggled to free my feet from his grasp, but he held them firmly.

"Now, now, Lun Er, you look beautiful in this position," he said, his eyes roaming over my naked body. "Look at your lovely fruit, dripping and begging for my attention. Your body betrays your words, my little flower."

"Please, Your Highness, don't do this." I pleaded breathlessly, but his gaze showed no intention of stopping.

"Are you sure?"

he asked, positioning himself between my legs and moving his head towards my manhood. He used the tip of his tongue to collect the small droplets that leaked from my aching cock, then he ran his tongue all around the red tip. I moaned and arched my back, craving his mouth. I didn't want this, but it felt too good, and I felt ashamed for feeling this way. He continued teasing my slit with his tongue, and moans escaped me uncontrollably. I tugged at my restraints but couldn't free myself. He took the tip of my manhood into his mouth and lightly sucked, and I stopped struggling. My hips moved instinctively, yearning for more of his warmth. Tears streamed down my face as my body acted against my will.

He pulled back and used his palm to press my arching back flat against the fur bed. Seeing how docile I had become, he stood up to remove his pants, and I lay there, watching him. My body felt weak and heavy. He stood before me, completely naked, his manhood standing tall and strong. Suddenly, I felt a surge of control return to my body, and I pulled against my restraints with all my might, potentially breaking my wrists in the process. He saw that I was willing to hurt myself to escape and grabbed onto my hands, holding them still.

"Cai Lung, hold still. Look at what you're doing to yourself." he said.

"Let me go!" I screamed, witnessing the lust in his eyes transform into anger.

He released me and shouted for the guards. "What are you doing?" I stuttered. "Since you won't behave," he replied, positioning himself between my legs.

"I will allow them to witness your shame.

Do as you please, oh great emperor." "But remember this, I will hate you."

"I will hate you until my dying breath!" I screamed at him.

I thought I saw a flicker of hurt pass over his face, but it quickly vanished, replaced by a cold, dead expression. He picked up his hanfu from the ground, turned his back to me, and dressed himself, throwing his fur coat over his shoulders. In a fit of anger, he stormed out of the tent.

"Where are you going, leaving me like this?" I yelled at his retreating figure, but he ignored me and left. I was left alone, tied to a post, lying naked on my back. No one entered the room after the emperor's departure.