"Hey, in here!" I shouted desperately.

The sounds of swords clashing outside grew louder, indicating that our camp had been discovered. I wasn't entirely sure, but it seemed like our worst fears had come true.


I cursed under my breath, realizing the dire situation I was in. I was stuck to a post while chaos ensued outside. Determined not to meet my end like this, I twisted and contorted my body, attempting to lay on my stomach and use my teeth to set myself free. I couldn't believe he had left me like this, and now I was facing the consequences of his actions. Using all the strength I had left, I used my teeth to pull at the knots that bound me.

The pain in my hands was excruciating, but I knew I had to free myself. The camp was filled with the sounds of battle, and I couldn't rely on anyone else to save me. Each tug and bite on the strings brought me closer to freedom. Finally, one of my hands broke free, and I used it to quickly undo the other knot. As soon as I was completely untied, I glanced at my swollen, red wrists. There was no time to tend to my wounds now; whatever was happening outside sounded grave. I pulled my hanfu close to my body and used the same tie that had bound my wrists to secure it. Slipping on my fur boots, I grabbed the sword I had used earlier and cautiously made my way outside. The sight that greeted me was one of carnage and bloodshed.

The snow on the ground was stained crimson, and the Imperial army and our enemies were locked in a fierce battle. Acting swiftly, I deflected a flying sword that came my way and retreated back into the tent. This was my chance; everyone was too distracted to notice my escape. I had to disappear before they realized I was missing and it became impossible to track me. Rummaging through the tent, I gathered whatever supplies and weapons I could find that would aid me on my journey. Once I had what I needed, I put on my fur coat and wrapped a black cloth around my face to avoid recognition. It was better to be cautious than careless.

Feeling prepared, I cautiously emerged from the tent, crouching down and walking alongside the other tents. The forest lay ahead, beckoning me to escape. Glancing back at the ongoing battle, guilt gnawed at me for leaving while everyone fought for their lives. I wondered about Zing Ah and my uncle, hoping they were safe. But there was no time for second-guessing. I dashed towards the trees, running as if my life depended on it. Breathing heavily through my nose, I maintained a steady pace as I ventured deeper into the dark forest. Ahead, I spotted a clearing and quickened my pace. However, as I came to a stop, dread washed over me. An army guarded the clearing, and a spear narrowly missed my head.

If it weren't for my quick reflexes, I would have been a dead Cai Lun. Realizing I couldn't take on the entire army alone, I retreated back into the safety of the trees. "After him! No one from the Jade Emperor's army must survive or pass through here!" a man shouted, signaling his comrades to give chase. Gripping my sword tightly, I ran with all my might. Glancing back, I saw three of them closing in on me. Ducking behind a tree, I waited for them to draw nearer, using the cover of darkness to my advantage. As they approached, I swiftly rolled out in front of the first horseman, slashing at the horse's legs and sending him crashing into a tree.

With a fierce battle cry, I engaged the second man who lunged at me with his spear. If I managed to make it out of this alive, I vowed never to leave the palace again. These thoughts raced through my mind as I fought for my survival, wielding my sword with skill and determination.

Wu Yang's POV:

"General Weng, where is he?"

I demanded, my voice filled with urgency and frustration. I had sent him to retrieve Cai Lun as soon as I discovered Minister Jang and the Empress Dowager's betrayal. But now, he was telling me that the tent was empty when he arrived and Cai Lun was missing.

"I don't know where he is, Your Majesty." General Weng replied, his voice trembling slightly.

"What do you mean he's missing? I left him securely tied to a damn post! There's no way he could be missing unless someone took him. And mark my words, General, if a single hair on his head is out of place when he is found, there will be consequences. I will have the heads of those involved!" I shouted, my anger boiling over.

"Gather the men!"

"Your esteemed majesty," I humbly beseech, "it is imperative that we convene with General Lu and the entirety of our valiant army, your majesty."

"Fear not, for I shall personally ensure that Cai Lun is brought before you, once he is located."


I shall retrieve him with my own hands." Gripping my dual dragon blades, I embarked upon the battlefield, fervently calling out for him. May the heavens grant his safety, I implore.

Cai Lun P.O.V:

My heart pounded in my chest as I parried his attacks, my muscles straining with each swing of the sword. The third man circled around me, attempting to flank me from behind. But I was ready for him. With a quick spin, I dodged his strike and swiftly struck him down, my blade finding its mark with deadly precision. Breathing heavily, I took a moment to assess the situation. The other soldiers were closing in, their shouts and the pounding of hooves growing louder. I couldn't afford to stay and fight any longer. With a final glance at the fallen soldiers, I turned and sprinted deeper into the forest, my footsteps barely making a sound on the fallen leaves.

The forest seemed to swallow me whole as I darted through the underbrush, the moonlight casting eerie shadows around me. Every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs made me jump, my nerves on edge. But I couldn't let fear consume me. I had to find a way to escape and survive. Hours seemed to pass as I pushed myself to keep going, my body aching and my mind growing weary. But the sounds of pursuit were growing fainter, and a glimmer of hope sparked within me.

Perhaps I had managed to outrun them. As dawn approached, I found myself in a small clearing. My breaths came in ragged gasps as I collapsed onto the ground, my body trembling with exhaustion. I took a moment to catch my breath and gather my thoughts. I needed to find shelter, food, and a plan. I couldn't continue running aimlessly through the forest forever.