"Majesty, the decision has been made," the eunuch whispered, bowing before Empress Chun-mei in her private chambers. His voice was barely audible, conveying the seriousness of the matter at hand. Chun-mei had always harbored resentment towards the previous emperor, her husband, and the son he had fathered with her. Since her son's birth, she had strategically placed a spy within his personal staff, ready to deceive and manipulate her way through the court.

However, the news of Wu Yang's return from the battlefront threatened to foil her plans. She blamed Minister Han for failing to eliminate Wu Yang, which could have saved her schemes. Rubbing her pregnant belly, Chun-mei knew time was running out. If her pregnancy was discovered, she would face execution. She was still young, and this child was her hope for the future. She turned her stern gaze towards the eunuch.

"Tell me how my son has defied me," she demanded. The eunuch nervously cleared his throat, fearing the consequences of revealing the truth. He bowed low and hastily left.

"Your Highness, you are to be banished to Shin shu Palace in the northern province." the eunuch whispered. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he knew that Shin shu Palace was a remote and insignificant place.

"You will receive a noble title." but you will never be allowed to set foot in the Dragon Palace or the capital again. Your days will be spent in Shin shu City."


the empress exclaimed, rising to her feet and pacing the room.

"This cannot happen!"

After everything I have done to secure my position, I will not be stripped of everything and abandoned! No, I must fix this,she paused, her attention returning to the eunuch.

"How was this decision reached? Why was I not granted a fair trial in court?"

The eunuch looked up at the trembling empress dowager, sensing her fear of losing her place in the palace.

"It appears that emperor Wu Yang has been investigating you, Your Highness, ever since his father's death." he revealed cautiously.

"The young emperor spoke against you in court today, and to my surprise, the punishment was only banishment and title stripping despite the evidence presented. Many called for your execution." the eunuch whispered.

The empress shivered at the thought of her life hanging by a thread. She realized she had not been vigilant enough in observing Wu Yang and wondered where she had miscalculated. Nonetheless, she was determined to rectify the situation. The eunuch observed her closely, aware that he held information that could potentially save her, though his own life hung in the balance.

"I overheard whispers in the emperor chambers, Your Highness," the eunuch continued, leaning in to whisper once more. "It seems that something has been troubling the emperor for the past half a year. He has been meeting with men dressed in black during the night, even before his upcoming marriage to Consort Ning yuan."

Chun-mei's eyes widened with intrigue. She remembered the beautiful young man who had caught Wu Yang's attention that morning. At first, she mistook him for a new concubine, but later witnessed him donning battle armor and riding off with With her son.

"What was that boy's name? I saw him in the emperor's throne room one morning," she inquired. "He was exceptionally beautiful."

"Yes, Majesty. During his short time here, he captivated the emperor's attention. the emperor ordered me to dress the boy and placed guards around him. No one was allowed to speak with him, except for the servants and the emperor himself. His name was Liu Cai lung, Majesty." the eunuch replied.

"And he did not return with Wu Yang?" she questioned further.

The eunuch nodded.

"No, Majesty, The boy was not among the soldiers or the emperor's entourage."

"Then we shall investigate" empress dowager declared. "Find someone you trust to gather information outside the palace. Ensure that nothing can be traced back to me."

"Yes, Majesty." the eunuch responded.

"And when is my punishment scheduled?" she asked him.

"Two nights from now, Majesty."


That should provide enough time to uncover the emperor intentions. Xuan, do not disappoint me," she warned.

"Yes, Empress."

The eunuch quickly covered his face and retreated into the hallway, knowing that this wing belonged solely to the empress and he wouldn't be seen leaving her chambers. As he reached the end of the hallway, he cautiously looked left and right before running his hand along the corner wall, feeling for a slight bump. When his fingers brushed against it, he pressed, causing the wall to retract and reveal a small gap. Xuan slipped through and pressed the inside button to close the hidden passage behind him. Making his way through the secret passages that led to the main kitchen, he removed the cloth from his face, straightened his uniform, and entered the main hall of the palace. He politely bowed and greeted the guards as he passed by them on his way to check on the emperor.

Walking down the hall towards the flower house, he approached the door where he knew the emperor would be every night. Peering through the door, he noticed that the night oil was still burning.

"May I enter, your highness?" Xuan asked respectfully.

"Enter." Wu Yang replied.

clearly annoyed. He didn't want to be disturbed during the only time he could be alone in the room where the scent of Cai still lingered. He had specifically ordered for it not to be cleaned so that he could hold onto the faint scent for as long as possible. Xuan stepped inside and immediately went down on his knees.

"May I get you anything, your majesty? Perhaps something to help you sleep?"

"No, I will sleep when I am ready." Wu Yang responded. "Why have you come?" he asked the man who had looked after him since he was a young boy.

"I was just passing by on my way to retire for the night, your highness. I noticed your light still burning, so I wanted to know if you needed anything before I retire." Xuan explained.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Wu Yang signaled for the eunuch to leave.

"Leave me." he commanded.