Xuan got up from the ground, bowing once more before backing out of the room and sliding the door shut behind him. Wu Yang waited until he heard the footsteps fade away before saying,

"Come out."

A figure dressed in black emerged from the shadows of the room. He knelt down on one knee, bowing his head as he greeted the emperor.

"My emperor." the figure said.

"What news do you bring me?" Wu Yang asked, his eyes cold and unwavering as he stared down at the man.

"I believe we have found him, my emperor." the man replied,

rising from my position and looking at the assassin dressed in black. I couldn't believe my ears. After a half of year of searching, I had finally heard the words I had longed to hear since the day he was lost to me. I stood and walked over to the figure.

"Tell me." I demanded.

"There were two individuals in Fu Shang Province inquiring about a boy named Bai. At first, I didn't think much of it. However, they presented a drawing to the owner of a stall. Before he could answer, I made myself available to them. I told them I was Bai's good friend and that I could show them where he lived. I mentioned that his family was searching for him and asked if they had any news. They claimed they did not, but I knew they were lying, your highness. So I led them into the Fu Shang Forest. I killed one of them, but I kept the other alive. He is currently in the secrete prison cells, your majesty."

"Let's go."

Wu Yang said, his voice cold and chilling. Even the assassin felt a shiver run down his spine as he witnessed the look on the emperor's face. He knew that Wu Yang was a ruthless man when it came to his enemies and those who opposed him. The thought that crossed his mind was that he would never want to cross paths with this man. Wu Yang had no intention of wasting another second in his chambers. If this man knew where Cai was, he would either talk or face a fate worse than death.

With a torch in hand, the emperor ventured forth, trailing the assassin through the concealed levels. Their objective was to reach the hidden depths where the Mongolian spy was being confined; this could potentially be the breakthrough they had been eagerly anticipating, as the spy might possess crucial intelligence regarding Cai's whereabouts. As they drew nearer to the dark cells, the emperor discerned a silhouette suspended from the ceiling by bound hands, his head bowed in exhaustion.

The prisoner valiantly struggled to support his own weight by leveraging his feet, tightly bound by coarse ropes. Approaching the severely battered figure, the emperor's curiosity compelled him to inquire.

"Can he still speak?" His voice reverberated in the dimly lit cell as he circled the man, assessing his condition. Gripping the prisoner's long hair tightly, a sharp pain elicited a groan, evidence of the torment the man had endured.

"He is at your mercy, Your Highness. Though his tongue remains intact, it may not for much longer." the spy revealed, perched in the corner of the room, observing the impending scene.

Unfamiliar with the identity of Lui Cai Lung, the assassin couldn't help but sympathize with whoever had endured this past year in captivity. Since being assigned the task of locating the missing boy, he had learned firsthand of the emperor's merciless wrath. Crossing him meant certain death, and the assassin was grateful to be aligned with the emperor, rather than his enemies. A sense of pity even welled up within him for the unfortunate soul who would now pay the price if the sought-after information proved elusive.

Lui Cai lung P.O.V:

Approaching footsteps shattered the silence, followed by a voice that cut through the air.

"Ah, so I've found you, Bai Er."

I responded, my words slurred from the effects of alcohol. He had kept me captive without making any demands, and I dreaded the day he finally revealed his true intentions. Each day, he would engage in idle conversation about the capital and the emperor, searching my face for any signs of a reaction.

But I was no fool. Day after day, he probed, hoping to uncover hidden secrets about me. Little did he know, I had already uncovered his own secrets. I averted my gaze, staring out at the rocks that partially obstructed my view of the lush valley below. The first time he had permitted me to be here, away from the confines of the cave, I had been captivated by the beauty of this hidden spot. From the rocks, I could overlook a valley adorned with emerald green pastures, bordered by a dense forest.

Nestled within a mountain of rocks, the cave remained invisible to any casual observer from below. Only the mongrels themselves were aware of the concealed dwelling within. Their sentinels could detect an invasion long before it materialized. Truly, it was the perfect hideaway for them. I often ventured here, ascending to the highest point of the rocks to witness breathtaking sunsets or gaze at the starry night sky. On nights like these, when I felt my grip on reality slipping, when I yearned for a moment of respite, this place granted me a fleeting sense of liberation. Yet, I knew I was never truly alone.

I could sense the watchful eyes upon me at all times. He persistently claimed to treat me not as a captive, but as an esteemed guest.

"I was curious if you were still out here." he finally broke the silence, joining me and settling close by.

"Why wonder? It's not as if I'm alone. Your eyes and ears are omnipresent, unless you've conveniently forgotten." I retorted, no longer suppressing my true thoughts.

"No, Bai, I haven't forgotten." he responded softly, his gaze lingering on me. I pretended not to care.

"Oh." I uttered, allowing the intoxicating haze to consume me as I pondered, Mu Yang, have you truly forsaken me?