The lanterns and incense were lit by the servants, filling the room with an enticing aroma. The scent had a calming effect on me. Meixiang gently brushed through my hair, causing a twinge of pain in my heart as I considered what was to come. The haze in my mind began to push those thoughts aside, making me submissive to whatever was done to me. Despite being aware that I should be angry about being forced to consume something that clouded my thoughts, I found a strange happiness in not having to think in that moment.

I appreciated the scalp massage Meixiang provided, finding solace in her touch. As I observed the servants placing small bottles beside the bed, curiosity arose within me regarding their contents. I slipped into the red, delicate robe and self-tied the front. Brushing off the hands of the servants, I yearned to be alone and revel in the haze that enveloped me. It felt as though I were intoxicated.

"Everything is complete. I will inform His Majesty. Everyone, leave!" the eunuch commanded. Meixiang squeezed my shoulders before departing with the others. Once the room fell silent, I made my way to the bedding on the floor and settled myself. It seemed best to get comfortable. My thoughts wandered back to the first time I laid eyes on the Emperor, a memory tainted by my attempt to steal from his concubine. A smile graced my lips as I recalled the fear I felt when they discovered me in the room. I had anticipated receiving a lesson on the Emperor's bedding techniques, never imagining that I would be the one experiencing them.

Staring at the white beddings, a blush crept onto my face as I recalled the eunuch's words. The noise behind the separating wall snapped me out of my thoughts, igniting nervousness in my stomach. This was all real now. Inwardly, I expressed gratitude towards the servants for providing me with the liquid that quelled my anxiety. Its enchanting effects still coursed through my body, and I closed my eyes, focusing on the warm sensation it bestowed.

"You're quite.."

My eyes shot open in surprise. I hadn't heard him enter. He had not changed into the attire he was supposed to wear. Instead, he remained in the heavy court clothing. Our gazes locked, and I wished to shrink away under his scrutiny. His stare made me feel small, perhaps because I was dressed so scantily. His eyes traveled along my body, and I refused to look away. I witnessed the shift in his gaze from cold to heated. Blushing, I turned my head and clung to the thin fabric, hoping it would shield me from his intense stare. I heard the sound of rustling behind me, confirming what I already knew he was doing—removing his clothes.

The witnesses remained silent, and if I didn't know any better, I would think that no one else was present.

"It's unlike you to be so silent, little bird." I expected to find a different version of you when I entered."

I kept my head turned away from him as he spoke.

"What's the point, oh great Emperor, i am now yours. There is no denying that fact. So why should I put up a fight when, in the end, the outcome will remain the same? And besides." I uttered, still keeping my head averted. "I was made submissive for you, my body is relaxing against my own will."

"You're right, there's no need. It's not against your will; it's merely assisting you in this situation. next time, I won't use it." he replied, his heavy tunics hitting the floor.

"Do you know what I will be doing to you now?"

"Yes." I whispered, though I knew he heard every word.

"Look at me, little bird." he commanded, his voice firm and demanding. I turned my head, meeting his gaze as my eyes fell upon his naked form. It was a sight that both shocked and enticed me. I took a deep breath, determined to keep my focus above his neck.

"I understand what you're asking," I replied, my voice steady.

"Good." he said, a hint of satisfaction in his tone. I clenched my hands tightly, gripping the bed sheets in anticipation. He approached me, his eyes scanning my body before he freed my hands from their hold. A small whimper escaped my lips as I lost my anchor, my only source of stability.

"Shhh, little bird, I won't harm you." he assured, taking my clenched fist and gently kissing my knuckles. I couldn't quite comprehend how everything had changed so suddenly, but it had. I looked up at his face, feeling a burning heat emanate from where his lips had touched me. He pulled me onto his lap, his lips trailing along my neck and down to my shoulders. With a swift movement, he revealed the flushed skin underneath the fabric.

A smile played on his lips as he sensed my body shudder in his arms.

"How does that feel?" he inquired, his voice deep and low.

I exhaled the breath I had been holding. He turned me onto my back, the red material falling open to expose my pure white skin to his hungry eyes. He reached for a bottle, opening it and bringing it up to his nose to take a sniff before offering it to me.

"Breathe it in." he instructed.

I stared into his eyes, curiosity and uncertainty evident in my gaze. He must have sensed my question because he answered.

"It will help you relax, both physically and mentally, It will prepare your body for me."

Blushing, I took a whiff from the bottle, feeling a burning sensation in my nose and throat that spread throughout my entire being. Heat pooled within me, and my vision momentarily blurred before refocusing.

"Good, it's working." he remarked, discarding the bottle behind him. His fingers tangled in my hair, his hand gliding down my chest. The sensation felt incredible, causing pleasure to surge through me. My body responded willingly to his touch. Leaning down, he pressed his scorching lips against mine, devouring them passionately. I couldn't help but close my eyes, whimpering as my moans mingled with his in our passionate kiss.

His touch ignited a fire within me, and I instinctively arched my body towards him. He pushed me back down, a silent reminder that he was in control. With a single thrust of his hips against mine, we felt the friction between us. A groan escaped his lips as our manhoods connected, and I eagerly ground my hips against his. The delicious contact elicited moans of pleasure from me, causing me to throw my head back in ecstasy.