The flames within me blazed uncontrollably. I was consumed by an intense heat. What had he given me? I yearned for more, unable to quench the insatiable desire that coursed through my veins. Our bodies disconnected, and I whimpered as the friction vanished. "Shhh, I'll give you what you crave." he assured me. His teeth found my sensitive nipples, tantalizing them until I couldn't help but moan in desperate need. My breath came in ragged gasps as I pleaded.


Desperately, I clung to his arms, urging him closer.

"No, not yet." he denied, causing me to whine and arch my body in a futile attempt to relieve the mounting pressure. Suddenly, his strong arms forced my legs apart, positioning himself between them. With a moan, I instinctively lifted my hips to meet his. When I felt the warm, wet sensation envelop me, my eyes rolled back in ecstasy and I thrust upwards. He withdrew his lips, and I whimpered as he pushed my hips back down. The fire within me raged, craving release. The more he teased and tormented my body, the more the flames burned. With delicate flicks of his tongue, he traced the glistening moisture, teasing the delicate folds as I writhed on the precipice.

"You taste like honey, my beautiful Cai," he whispered, causing me to moan as he brought me to the edge repeatedly, my mind losing count. When he finally took me fully, my legs trembled as my body screamed for release.

"Please. dear god, please..."

I found myself begging, my voice no longer my own. Helplessly, I closed my eyes and gripped his hair, desperately pleading to be set free. The warmth vanished, and I opened my hazy eyes to find him on his knees, gazing down at me.

"By the gods, you're exquisite..." I took in his form as he leaned over me. Our eyes locked, and I saw the strain in every muscle of his body. He was holding back. His dark eyes, wide and filled with pleasure, grew even darker. I bit my lip as he uncapped a bottle and poured its contents into his hand. I followed his movements with anticipation, watching as he generously coated himself with oil. Licking my lips, I yearned for what was to come. He cupped my buttocks in his hands, lowering me onto his lap.

"Are you ready?" he inquired. Nodding eagerly, I craved for the fire to be extinguished. I couldn't wait any longer. He parted me, revealing my hidden depths to his gaze.

"It may hurt, but bear with me." Closing my eyes, I nodded. I felt his hardness against me, and I gasped, emitting little whimpers.

"Shhh. I promise, I'll be gentle." He cautiously thrust once, and I instinctively tried to retreat when I felt a slight burn. However, his hands on my waist held me in place. He thrust again, this time harder and more forceful, burying himself within me. I grunted in pain, tears welling up in my eyes. His lips found mine, soothing me from the ache. I surrendered to the kiss as his tongue entwined with mine. His hand wrapped around me, delivering delicate strokes that replaced the burn with pleasurable sensations.

I arched my hips into his touch, giving him the signal he needed before he thrust into me once more. I moaned as pleasure washed over me, and I began to meet his rhythm by thrusting my hips downward. He maintained a steady pace as our skin collided. In the silence of the room, all that could be heard was the sweet, slow symphony of our bodies merging. The heat returned, more intense than ever before.

Our eyes remained locked as I watched him lose himself within me. Sweat dripped from his taut body, his arm muscles bulging as he tightly gripped my hips. I moaned as he shifted, igniting a deep sensation within me that sent electrifying waves throughout my entire being. I was on the brink, clinging to the edge of pleasure as he quickened his pace. He pulled me onto his lap, and I wrapped my hands around his neck.

His arms encircled my waist as he delved deeper inside me, our eyes never faltering in their connection. It felt as though we were merging our souls rather than our bodies. In the depths of my mind, I knew it was because of that bottle. But this moment felt extraordinary, and I couldn't bear to look away. Our bodies met over and over again until I felt the urge to surrender.

"Let go, Cai, let me feel you release around me." he groaned, thrusting into me harder His lips crashed passionately against mine, sending shivers down my spine. My entire being trembled with anticipation. Just as I was about to let out a cry of pleasure, he silenced me, plunging deeper and faster into me, his own desire driving him forward. My body went limp against his, while my mind struggled to regain its composure, With one final powerful thrust, his body stilled, holding me tightly against him. A deep groan escaped his lips as he sucked on my tongue, releasing himself into me, filling me completely.

We remained intertwined, locked in each other's embrace, time seemingly standing still. Eventually, he collapsed onto his back, his breath heavy and labored, bringing me down with him.

"You belong to me now, my little bird, you're mines." He whispered softly against my ear.