"Indulge me, Liu Cai." Mu Yang requested, reclining against Liu Cai Lung's gentle thighs. They found solace outside the palace walls, nestled in Mu Yang's cherished part of the forest, where lilies bloomed abundantly. The sun beamed overhead, but their bodies remained sheltered beneath the tree's shade. Liu Cai Lung leaned back against the sturdy trunk, shutting his eyes. He relished the sensation of sitting among a bed of flowers, the tranquil sounds of the flowing river, and the cool breeze brushing against his skin, all while Mu Yang rested in his lap. Peace enveloped the space, Liu Cai Lung mused.

Mu Yang gazed up at his beloved's countenance, captivated by every aspect of his beauty. His heart swelled with adoration, contemplating the arduous journey that led them here, to a realm of serenity, where their love could flourish unconditionally. "I love you," Mu Yang softly whispered into the breeze. Liu Cai's lips curved into a smile, his eyes still closed, as he ran his fingers through Mu Yang's silky hair. The touch of those smooth strands between his fingertips sent delightful shivers through his body.

"Forever and always." Liu Cai pledged.

Who could have foreseen that the obstinate emperor, who had once caused him immense anguish, would ultimately become his everything—the foundation of his future? "Play for me, my melodious bird." Mu Yang hummed, planting kisses upon Liu Cai's fingertips. Liu Cai's body quivered at the caress of his lover's lips upon his fingers.

"As you wish, my emperor." he acquiesced. Liu Cai beamed at the expression on Mu Yang's face, a look that silently conveyed, 'I revel in your use of my title.' Mu Yang chuckled, his gaze penetrating Liu Cai's eyes. The intensity of love and affection radiating from Mu Yang evoked a tear that welled within Liu Cai's own eyes. Raising his hand, Mu Yang tenderly brushed away the solitary tear before tracing Liu Cai's plump, red lips with his fingertips.

"Play for me, my love," Mu Yang whispered with tenderness. Retrieving the untouched flute from its resting place, Liu Cai bestowed a dazzling smile upon Mu Yang. Then, he brought the instrument to his lips. Liu Cai commenced with a mournful melody, the strains of heartbreak filling the air, as he recounted their tale. It was a narrative of their initial encounter and the blossoming of their love. A story destined to endure the test of time—a tale of the great emperor of China and his love for a man. A love destined to end tragically.

"One summer night, I encountered the radiance of the moon. Its brilliance illuminated my life upon its arrival. If this is love, then I would willingly offer my soul to steal this luminosity and keep it hidden. I caused that light to fade from the world's view, and it remained with me until my final breath. On that day—I had no regrets for my pilfering of its light."

The flute wove a sorrowful tale bereft of a happy conclusion. And Mu Yang knew—he knew that this scene would mark their final encounter. The song concluded with Liu Cai's labored breaths, his mournful eyes gazing at Mu Yang, while a smile spoke volumes.

"Let us take a dip,"

Mu Yang suddenly proposed. He gently slid off of Cai's lap and offered his hand to help Cai stand up. They made their way to the water's edge, captivated by the breathtaking beauty of the clear waters. This place held countless memories for them, a sanctuary they had claimed as their own. Liu Cai shed his soft garments, feeling the cool embrace of the water as he waded in, the gentle current rising past his hips. Mu Yang observed his lover's graceful movements, his heart stirring with desire at the sight of Cai's slender figure submerging in the water, his ebony locks flowing behind him. It was an alluring image that fueled Mu Yang's longing for his beloved.

"Are you joining me?" Cai's voice broke through Mu Yang's passionate thoughts, snapping him back to reality. With a smile, Mu Yang shed his own clothes in haste, eager to join Cai in the lukewarm embrace of the water. Standing before Cai, he marveled at the flawless expanse of his pale skin. Pulling him close, their lips met in a slow, tender kiss. Mu Yang's arm wrapped around Cai's lower back, drawing him even nearer, feeling the delightful friction of their bodies and relishing in Cai's blissful moans.

But in an instant, everything changed. Cai slipped from Mu Yang's grasp, gradually distancing himself from his lover. Panic surged through Mu Yang's veins, an overwhelming fear gripping his heart tightly. He desperately fought against the water, pushing forward while calling out to Cai, unwilling to let go. Tears streamed down his face as Cai slipped further away. When was the last time he had cried? The answer eluded him, his mind consumed with the fear of losing the one he cherished.

"Please! Stay with me!" Mu Yang's voice shattered into a million pieces, his anguish etched upon his face. He pushed against the relentless current, determined to reach his beloved, his soulmate whom he refused to release. Yet the water grew deeper with every attempt to follow Cai.

"I need more time!" Mu Yang sobbed, his cries echoing through the air. "I NEED MORE TIME!" He bellowed, gazing up at the heavens. "I haven't made amends for the pain I've caused you, Please, just grant me a little more time!" Mu Yang pleaded with broken sobs, but Liu Cai had already slipped beyond his reach.

"It is time, my love. My Emperor, it is time." Liu Cai's voice faded into the distance, leaving Mu Yang shattered in heartache."I promise, under the moon and the stars, that I will never give my heart to another. And in our next life, I will search for you! Only then, my love, will we never be apart!"

"No!" Mu Yang shouted.


Mu Yang's scream echoed through the air, filled with immense pain and suffering. He felt his body sinking, consumed by the water that surrounded him. "I will love you eternally." Mu Yang heard a faint whisper carried by the wind before everything faded into darkness.

Present ***

"Your Majesty... Your majesty!"

Someone's voice called out to him. Mu Yang slowly opened his eyes, his body aching with pain. He heard the clash of swords all around him, the cries and shouts of a fierce battle. Struggling to rise, Mu Yang felt the cold rain pelting against his face and body. It was a chilling sensation.

"Please, Your Majesty, don't move!"

Mu Yang glanced down and saw a sword deeply embedded in his body. Realizing the severity of his wound, he knew his time was limited. It was all just a dream, he contemplated. Had he experienced his final moments with Liu Cai? Or was it a glimpse into another lifetime? Summoning his strength, Mu Yang entrusted one final message to be delivered to Liu Cai before succumbing to the coldness that consumed him.


Liu Cai Lung suddenly woke up, his body trembling from the horrors of his dream. He glanced at his captor and wondered, Was this their plan all along? Had he unknowingly caused the downfall of the empire? Liu Cai shivered as he recalled Mu Yang's anguished cries in the dream. No! It couldn't have been real! None of this is real! He repeated these words to himself, rocking back and forth in his spot. Liu Cai tightly embraced himself, unable to express his feelings before it was too late. It couldn't have been real! Tears streamed down his face as he remembered the icy coldness of the dream and the haunting cries that would forever haunt him.