1 week earlier***

I settled into the garden, finding solace in the serene beauty that enveloped me. The cold air nipped at my skin, but the refreshing breeze brought a sense of vitality, reminding me that I was more than just a captive in a gilded palace, awaiting my master's return. Though I was exactly that. Lost in thought, I wrapped the warm blanket snugly around my body, relishing in the comfort it provided.

Lately, I found myself wondering about his whereabouts and well-being. When he left, I experienced a mix of relief and sadness. It was strange how emotions became crystal clear when you knew the other person was in danger or had a slim chance of returning. Despite feeling trapped by the guards constantly around me, a constant reminder of my lack of freedom, every fiber of my being patiently awaited his safe arrival. I couldn't fathom what had come over me. There were days when a smile would grace my face at the thought of his return, and I despised myself for it.

I would even blush at the memory of our first passionate encounter, the warmth he brought to my body and mind. It was his unwavering search for me that ignited these feelings within me. And then there were the memories, evoked by the affection in my heart whenever I thought of Emperor Mu Yang, now my lover. But every day, my life remained under constant watch and guard. My every move was restricted, limiting the freedom I yearned for. The only respite I found was within the garden palace walls, serving as a stark reminder that my current treatment was not of my own choosing. In those moments, I despised myself for allowing this place and this man to capture my heart.

As my thoughts meandered, I lifted my cup to take a delicate sip of tea, awaiting the arrival of my guests. Excuses had run dry long ago. There was no reason why I couldn't host guests, especially the empress herself. Mex had urged me to formally meet and greet the empress and the concubines, in an attempt to leave the past behind and perhaps find some peace within this place. Maybe it would allow me to sort out my true feelings.

"Empress Lin Qui Lin has arrived."

a young maids voice announced, jolting me from my thoughts. I rose gracefully, bowing in greeting to the Empress. She had wielded her own brand of tyranny within the palace since the emperor's absence. Every action she took, whether good or bad, served to remind everyone of her immense power. But none of it mattered to me, as I never asked for this position or any of the turmoil that came with it. In fact, I would trade it all for peace and freedom in an instant. However, this woman saw me as the greatest threat, and recent events at court had only exacerbated the situation.

She had chosen to make my days a living hell, above all else. Following her were the concubines of Flower House, each swaying gracefully. Though I had not met them personally, I recognized them by the jade bracelets adorning their wrists, marking them as concubines. In no time, my garden was filled with these beautiful women. I was just a seventeen-year-old boy, unprepared to be surrounded by such beauty. But their eyes filled with resentment kept me grounded, preventing any delusions from forming.

The way the concubines regarded me with contempt and disgust was deeply unsettling. I expected the hatred and resentment, but not the disgust. It nearly broke me. I wouldn't consider myself weak, having endured countless hardships, but their disdain in that moment angered and saddened me. They made no effort to mask their dislike, a stark reflection of how little they respected me in this position forced upon me. In moments like these, I couldn't help but resent the man they called Emperor.

Despite the chill in the midday air and the judgmental gazes, the garden's breathtaking landscape remained untouched. It became my distraction, allowing me to momentarily forget the critical eyes upon me. The cold air also served as a balm to my emotions, helping me greet each lady with composure. The garden palace proved to be the perfect setting for this gathering, if it could even be called that. Only once the last lady was seated did I settle back into my own seat, lifting my cup to my lips and sipping the tea laced with sweet wine, a comforting companion through this ordeal.

In that moment of silence, as everyone adjusted to their surroundings, I took the opportunity to study the empress closely. Her authority had grown in the emperor's absence, with many ministers aligning themselves with her in case he never returned.It seemed logical to assume that she would prioritize the safety of her husband returning home to meet their unborn child. However, the mind of an individual driven by power is always enigmatic and beyond the comprehension of ordinary standards. Mu Quin always emphasized that this was precisely the reason why she had chosen a modest existence, in order to evade the chaos of a world where concubines plotted against each other in a race to the top, and where every morsel of food had to be tested for poison.

These were the circumstances that terrified me to my core. Having grown up in a humble background myself, constantly needing to watch my back for fear of being snuffed out was a terrifying reality. Yet, the events within the palace always found a way to reach my ears, whether I wanted to hear them or not. And although I wished to have no involvement in the power struggle, my uncle left me with no choice. He saw this as an opportunity for our family to finally claim the throne. Now, I possess my own advisors and supporters within the palace, all working towards gaining power in my name. Being recognized as the emperor's second wife, and the fact that I was male, some saw me as a potential candidate for emperor in the event of the late emperor's demise.

There were those who opposed passing the title to his offspring, residing within Empress Li Ling, as they preferred someone who was already fully matured to sit on the throne. There was no denying that I had become more paranoid than ever before, and I detested the mere thought of it all. These dark thoughts had begun to haunt me in my dreams, with Mu Yang lying in a pool of his own blood, life slipping away. A dreadful knot formed in my stomach, persistently tugging at my insides, and the sense that something terrible was imminent had not left me throughout the day.


As I finished reading the letter that had been delivered to me, an overwhelming anger surged within me, reaching a point where it threatened to consume me entirely. How dare they! Every fiber of my being yearned to mount my horse and ride back to the palace immediately. However, an emperor could not simply abandon his army in the midst of a battle, and that was the only thing restraining me from acting impulsively. But mark my words, their time is limited.