Flash Backs

Chapter Twenty-Two

"How do you mean you lied, are you not an orphan?"

"I'm an orphan, but I actually don't know my birth parents"

"I still don't understand"

"I grew up in an orphanage, according to the story I was told, a lady found me at a dumpster and she took me to the police who later took me to the orphanage where I grew up"

"No one ever came looking for you?"

"No, none at all. I grew up with other children at the orphanage"

Twenty Years Earlier

Little Jane was five years old and was helping her matron to set up a baby's cot for their newest intake at the orphanage.

"Mother how long is the baby going to stay here with us?"

"Until she is all grown up and able to take care of herself my dear"

"But why is that; doesn't she have parents, won't they be looking for her?"

"Well her parents are dead, so we are her family now"

"Is that how I came to live here too?"

"Yes darling"