Stop Being Conservative

Chapter Twenty-Three

The Present

"So what was it you needed the extra energy for?"

"I needed it for...."

Jane broke down in tears, this time she was crying and shaking controllably, she fell from the couch to the floor and was still crying. Jeffery tried holding her to console her but she wouldn't be consoled. After what seemed like a very long time; her sobbing was reduced to sniffs. Jeffery held her as they sat together on the floor.

They stayed in that position for another thirty minutes, none saying anything. Jeffery couldn't imagine what it must have been for her while growing up. All the pains she must have been put through.

One thing was certain he is going to search for every single damn person who caused her pain and he is going to make sure to inflict on them twice the pain they made his Jane go through.

"Baby it's okay, I'm here now no one is ever going to hurt you again I will make sure of that"