You Disgust Me

Chapter Twenty-four

Ten Years Earlier

When they were done eating, Jane joined them in washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. By 10 pm; they were done cleaning and doing every other chore that needed to be done, so the girls retired for the night.

Jane was happy to finally have some time to rest. It has been a very hectic day and she couldn't wait for it to be over.

As she laid down on the bed she remembered their matron at the orphanage and how both of them used to sit up late at night, picking out possible universities Jane will attend after writing her jamb. Now that dream will never materialize; it's going to remain just a dream. Tomorrow she is going to become a salesgirl who would never know the four walls of a university.

"Jane you can't start crying now, you need to be strong tears will take you no where" she advised herself and decided to be hopeful. Who knows things might turn around for the better tomorrow.