Live A Little

Chapter Twenty-Eight

"I can't remember the last time I came to the beach, thanks for this Jane"

Jane had taken him to the beach for his birthday, they were sitting in one of the gazebo made of thatch while they watched the water waves.

"Are you serious but I thought your family owns a beach house?"

"It's actually mine but it's been a while I went there last"

"Why then did you get it in the first place if you aren't going to use it?"

"I don't know, it felt like a reasonable thing to do back then I guess"

Jane served him one of the sandwiches she had packed, she noticed he always tends to overwork himself; it was as if he was trying to prove a point to someone.

"I guess being rich gives you the leverage of being able to buy things at the spur of the moment"

"You sound like you have something against being rich?"

"Of course I have nothing against being rich''

''Okay so what is the but?''