People Change

Chapter Twenty-Nine

"Happy birthday!"

"Oh my God I can't believe this, did you know about this?"

He turned to look at Jane who was standing behind him smiling, she nodded in affirmative. Just then his parents walked up to him, his mother hugged him.

"Happy birthday my darling"

"Mom, dad you two were part of this also?"

His father came around and patted him on the back.

"Happy birthday son, Dele and Michael were the masterminds we only played along"

"Your father had to literally monitor my conversations with you, to prevent me from ruining the surprise"

"Trust me it wasn't an easy task getting your mother to keep the party a secret"

This made Jeffery laugh, he knows his mother too well and she is not one known for keeping secrets, as a matter of fact if you want an information to get out very quickly just tell her and everyone in the family will hear of it in a matter of minutes.