Nothing Matters But You

Chapter Thirty

"I hate that guy with every fiber of my being" Amaka said as she watched Dele get into his car to leave, he still refused giving her National Identity Card to her if she doesn't apologize to him for smashing his windscreen which she has refused to do.

"Amaka calm down, besides you shouldn't have smashed his windscreen in the first place, what were you thinking?"

The party was already drawing to a close and most of the guests were gone including Jeffery's sister and her son. The few remaining guests were trickling out.

"Jane you won't understand I was really pissed at that guy for what he did"

"Angry enough to smash his windscreen? I never knew you to be violent"

"Bia (meaning come) aunty grammar, I have to be on my way now; one of your sexy guest who promised to give me a ride is about to leave, let's talk about this when you come back to the house"

"Male or female?"

"Do I look like a lesbian? Male of course''

She came closer to Jane and whispered in her ear.