Enough Is Enough

Chapter Thirty-One

Jeffery claimed her lips with his; he explored her mouth with his tongue. His hands started to do it's bidding; he runs them through her body and as the kissing becomes more intense and urgent he slides a hand into her top and cups her left breast. she wasn't wearing a bra, he fondled her nipple. This causes Jane to breathe hard, he started to unbutton her top then she stops him.

"We have to stop"

Jeffery's hands froze, he looked up to see she had a staid look on her face indicating her seriousness.

"I'm sorry" she said as she sat up and tried to button up her top, her hands were shaky and it made it impossible for her, Jeffery sat up and helped her with the buttons.

"It's fine you don't have to apologize, I understand"

"No you don't understand, my life is scarred I don't think I can ever be normal anymore"