We Move Now!

Chapter Thirty-Two

Ten Years Earlier

That night before they went to bed, Dami handed Jane a knife.

"What is this for?"

"What do you mean what is it for? It's a knife of course"

"Dami I know what it is, I just don't understand why you are giving me a knife in the middle of the night"

"I want you to keep it handy In-case Mr Okafor comes to you, use it and protect yourself. With what happened earlier; it shows that man doesn't care about anyone but himself so it's either we protect ourselves or end up just like Peace"

"But don't you think finding away to leave this place will be a better option?"

"Yes you are right but first we need to protect ourselves until when we have gotten a game plan on how to leave"

"You have a point"

''Good now go to bed, Mr Okafor will soon come for one of us''