Don't Leave Us Here

Chapter Thirty-Three

Ten Years Earlier

"You girls aren't hookers are you? I might be tipsy but I can tell with a closer look at you both that you aren't hookers"

"You are right sir we aren't hookers but please don't drop us yet; those people are after our lives"

Dami said trying to plead with the young man.

"I really don't understand what is going on here, first of all who are those guys, second of all what did you girls do to them and why is her face bloody?" He was referring to Jane who hasn't said anything since they got into the car. Her face was beginning to swell from the blows she received from Mr Okafor's son. She noticed her ribs hurt whenever she tries to move or speak, she silently prayed to God for none of her ribs to be broken, her lips were already broken that can heal in no time but not a broken rib.

"Sir we will explain everything to you but please just keep driving, drive as fast as possible please"