Forgive Yourself

Chapter Thirty-Four

The Present

Jeffery was still cradling Jane on his laps as she told him the story of how she escaped the Okafors.

"So what happened after the gentleman promised to take you both with him?"

"He kept to his word and took us with him to Enugu, it was a two day journey as Enugu was far from Kano state where he found us"

"So what happened next?"

"He took us to his house to live with him, he has a factory where he produces plastics in Enugu so he was doing pretty well for himself; apparently he was in Kano state to open a new branch there when he found us. He sent me to school and paid for my tuition until I graduated"

"Did he ever report the issue to the police?"

"No he didn't, we all tried to put everything behind us, but I couldn't as I kept having nightmares of Mr Okafor's son catching up with me, so uncle Emeka; that's the name of the man who rescued us, he decided to take me to see a therapist"

"Was that the therapist who ended up raping you?"