Self Sabotage

Chapter Thirty-Eight

"You mean she said all that to you?"

"No kidding she said everything I just told you and even more"

It was the close of work, and the girls were hurrying out of the office to go catch their usual 5:30pm bus back to their apartment, as Jane told Amaka of her weird encounter with Katherine earlier at the office. 

"That babe is crazier than I thought, you remember I told you about not liking the kind of vibe she gave off?" Amaka said, her nose scrunching up.

"Yeah I remember, what am I going to do now?" Jane asked sounding confused and out of breath from trying to keep up with Amaka's fast pace.


"How do you mean nothing, didn't you hear what I just told you she said? That girl wants Jeffery and she is ready to kill just to have him"

"And so what? Please tell me something I haven't heard before" Amaka replied defiantly.

"Have you been listening to anything I have been saying?"