Labor Time

Chapter Thirty Nine

Michael drove his wife to the hospital while Dele and Jeffery followed behind in their respective cars. Jane and Amaka were with Jeffery in his own car.

On their way to the hospital, Jane tried conversing with Jeffery but he kept giving her cold replies so she gave up.

 Amaka could sense the tensed air between Jane and Jeffery but decided to mind her own business and instead think of how she was going to get back her National Identity Card from that crazy player; Dele. Throughout their short stay at the lounge, he kept pretending not to notice her. He wants to play games? she was definitely going to show him how it's done.

When they all got to the hospital, Anita was placed on a wheel chair and wheeled into one of the wards by the nurses.

Thirty minutes later the obstetrician in charge, came out of the ward to speak to the rest of them including Michael who was nearly pacing a hole into the reception floor.