You Need To Protect Your Territory

Chapter Forty

"I remember the last time you carefully picked out your dress for work, and that was when you were meeting Jeffery in his office for the first time, anything special I should know about?" Amaka asked as she toweled her body, she just finished having her bath and Jane was already getting dressed for work.

"Well... Not that it's any of your business but I'm meeting Jeffery after work today"

"Hmmmm sounds like someone is about to get some" Amaka danced around Jane, making her giggle.

"No it's not like that, we are just meeting for drinks and also to talk about what happened two days ago at the lounge"

"Oh that reminds me has Michael's wife put to bed?"

''Amaka! Of course she has, remember I told you that same night when Jeffery called to inform me?''

''Oh sorry I must have forgotten, she gave birth to a boy right?''

''Yes she did, at least you remembered that part'��