I'm Here, If You Will Have Me

CHAPTER Forty one

Jeffery's driver drove them to a water hangout spot in Lekki, it was a lounge built from bamboo on top of water. 

When they got out of the car, they got into a speed boat which seemed to be waiting for them even before they arrived and took them to the lounge which was not too far from the sea shore. Jane suspected Jeffery must have arranged for the speed boat to wait for them. 

 When they walked into the lounge, they were given a warm welcome by one of the waitresses who showed them to a table where they could have an ambience of the sea view. The lounge was exquisite and it had an atmosphere which enabled one to unwind after a hard day's work. Few minutes later the waitress came with two glasses of water and a menu. 

"Thank you" Jeffery said as he perused the menu and pointed at his choice of meal. "Babe what would you like to have?"

"I will have whatever you are having" Jane replied smiling