Whenever You're Ready

Chapter Forty-two

After Jane showered, she changed into one of the night wear Jeffery had bought her.  It was a lacy gown which came with a satin coat. Jane thought It strange how he was able to get her perfect size. She intended to ask him when she got down stairs. She tied her hair with a scarf she usually carries in her bag, since she didn't have a bonnet to wear, the scarf will suffice for the night.

When she got to the kitchen, Jeffery was getting out some cookies for them to eat while they watched a movie.

"I'm curious, how did you know my exact size?"

"Have you forgotten I got you some clothes while you stayed here after your accident?" He opened the kitchen cabinet and took out a plate, Jane took the plate from him and rinsed it in the sink.

"Yes and I also remember I had to slim fit some of them because they were too big, but these ones you got are a perfect fit and I can't help but wonder how you got to know my exact size this time"