Getting Stronger

It's been two weeks since Jeffrey's fiancée came public with their engagement and Jane last saw Jeffery. The blogs seems to have forgotten about her and Jeffrey's relationship for they no longer wrote about it. Jane knew it was just a matter of time before they left her alone. Her life was beginning to get back to normal, except for one thing missing out of it; Jeffery.

"I think you should go and see her Jane"

"And then what? Have her tell me to my face that they all knew Jeffery was engaged? Please I have had enough humiliation already"

"But with what you told me she said over the phone, I don't think that's what she wants to say"

"And how do you know that?"

"Is that not the whole point? That's why you need to see her and hear what she has to say"

"Amaka I don't know if I should go"

"Okay, at least promise me you would think about it?"