Different Points Of View

Chapter Fifty-Three

''What you are telling is that; this room is soundproofed?'' Amaka asked as she tried to rack her brains for other options on how to make him give her back her ID.

''yes it is, so you can go ahead and scream all you want'' Dele said, feeling proud of himself.

''what are you playing at? what did I do to you? why are you holding on to something that's of no value to you?''

''do I need to give you an answer for that? Amaka you smashed my windscreen for no reason an..''

''wait wait.... I didn't smash your windscreen for no reason, you splashed muddy water on my dress. Get it right please'' 

''And is that enough reason to smash someone's windscreen?''

''well I don't know about others, but it is for me. now enough with the questioning, can I have my ID back please?''

''not until you tell me the reason you harbor so much hatred towards me and at least an apology for smashing my windscreen''