Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right

''Jeff I'm sorry, I came here to say how truly sorry I am. I should have listened to you and allowed you to explain but I didn't and for that I'm truly sorry"

"You are right you should have allowed me to explain things to you but you didn't instead you chose to believe someone else, but it's fine" he said with a very calm voice

Jane couldn't understand how Jeffery managed to be calm, she was expecting him to be mad at her, yell or even kick her out but he didn't, instead he was just seated calmly without showing any form of emotion.

"No Jeff it's not, it's not fine, I know I shouldn't have believed what the blogs or Vivian or anyone else was saying about you and I'm sorry, I spoke to Anita and she told me everything"

"Let me get this straight, so if my sister hadn't spoken to you, you wouldn't be here? you would still be mad at me right?"