Let's Talk

After Jeffery ended the call with his sister, he called Black the body guard he put in charge of Jane.

"Hope you are following her everywhere she goes?"

"Yes sir, she is on her way home now, I'm right behind her cab sir"

"Good and when next you sense she is coming to see me, always give me heads up first okay?"

"Noted sir"

Jeffery might be angry at her but the last thing he wanted was for anything to hurt or harm her. They will continue to guard her and her friend until Mr. Okafor's son has been found and taken care off. Then his mind would be at peace.

He decided to do what he was supposed to have done a year ago, he called Tania.

"Hello darling, I was beginning to think you weren't going to call"

"Hello Tania"

"You still have that sexy voice that makes me weak in the knees baby"

"I'm glad I still have that effect on you, can we see? We need to talk"