Leaving Toxicity

Chapter Sixty-two

Jeffrey's driver drove them back to his place that night. After they had both had their bath and had changed into their night wear, they both retired for the night. Jane decided to sleep in Jeffery's room.

"I'm going to resign from my job" Jane's head was on Jeffery's chest as they laid on the bed.

"Why? Is it because of what I told you about Vivian?" Jeffery raised his head to have a look at her face.

"Well I have been considering it for a while now and what you told me tonight just cemented my decision" Jane said with sadness.

"babe I understand how you feel" Jeffery sat up on the bed "but, don't you think you could forgive her and move past it?"

"No I don't think I can Jeff, yes I have forgiven her but working with her is going to be difficult for me, because I will always be scared that she might do something to hurt me again and I can't work in an environment I don't feel safe"