Testing Waters

"Vivian here is the CV of the girl I have picked to replace me" Jane placed the CV on Vivian's table. For the past one week she has been interviewing candidates for the position of Vivian's assistant, it hasn't been an easy task as Jane had thought it would be.

"Are you sure she will be able to fill in your shoes?" Vivian still wasn't happy about Jane's resignation so she has been rejecting everyone Jane brought to her. It's either they didn't have enough job experience, or she didn't like their face. Jane knew she was trying to stall her leaving.

"Yes she is qualified for the job and with a few trainings she will be up and running"

"Okay, if you say so"

"So do I have your permission to send her an offer letter?"

"Yes, you can go ahead"

"Alright, I will do just that. I'm about to close for the day is there any other thing you would like me to do for you before I leave?"

"No it's fine you can close already"

"Okay bye"