Still On Third Base

"Babe you are supposed to be here by now, this is past 8pm already. What is keeping you?"

"Jeff I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stay this late, Vivian had a lot of work for me to do at the office. I will be with you soon"

It was Jane's last day at work and she had to make sure the new girl who was replacing her, knew all that she needed to know about the job. And there was also Vivian who kept having unending tasks for Jane to do. Now she is late for her dinner date with Jeffery. She was supposed to meet Jeffery in his house so they could go out for dinner together.

"It's fine, just come back already"

"How about you go to the restaurant and I come join you? Instead of me to come all the way down to your place first?''

"Nah don't worry, I already cancelled our reservation. Just come back safely"