Nearly There

''Squirting, is basically the expulsion of fluid from the female genital during sex'' Jeffery explained to Jane. He had his arms wrapped around her as they laid on the bed.

''oh...'' Jane had once heard Amaka talking about it, but she never paid attention. Now she wished she had done so, it would have saved her the embarrassment of having him explain it to her. She would have to learn more about it from google.

''yeah, so you didn't pee. That was you experiencing another form of orgasm'' He rubbed on her back as he spoke.

"I want to feel you too" Jane knelt in front of him and was trying to take of his brief. He noticed her hands were shaking.

"Hey, you don't have to do anything you are not ready for" He placed his hands over hers.

"I'm ready, I want to do this but"

"But what?" He asked with tenderness in his voice.