Hate Turn Love

Chapter Seventy-Four

"Amaka I think you need to go to the hospital and have those bruises checked, if not for anything, but to ascertain you didn't suffer any internal bleeding or something of sort" Jeffery told her as they finished praying and waited for Mr. Okafor's son to call back again.

"I'm fine Jeffery,  you need not worry yourself"

"Jeffery has a point, I think you should go to the hospital and have those bruises checked" Anita insisted.

"I will take her to the hospital" Dele offered.

"Good then, Amaka please allow Dele to take you to the hospital" Jeffery pleaded.

Amaka who didn't want to argue any longer, decided to allow Dele take her to the hospital.

"You know you don't have to do this right?" Amaka asked as Dele drove her to the hospital.

"I want to, you need to have those bruises checked, so please allow me take you to the hospital"