Being There For Each Other

It was 10pm and there was still no call from Mr. Okafor's son. Jeffery looked around the sitting room, his heart swelled with pride at the sight of his friends and family seated. None making any attempt to go to bed. Even Erica who just got back from Japan and was supposed to be resting was there too.

Amaka who's face was still bruised, was seated agile, her face showed she was exhausted but she couldn't get herself to rest.

Anita, his beautiful troublesome sister has been nothing but a darling hostess to them all. She has taken to serving them food and making sure their energy level is optimal like she likes to call it.

Michael and Dele had decided to keep watch over a game of chess.

Black had to ask for the best tech guy in his agency to come help him track Timothy's location, when next he calls. They were both constantly typing away on their laptop.

Jeffery felt grateful, that he had his family with him at a time like this.